Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 23 - Labor
§ 23-551 - Definitions

23-551. Definitions
In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. " Day labor" means labor or employment that is under a contract between a day labor service agency and a third party employer, that is occasional or irregular and that is for a limited time period.
2. " Day laborer" means an individual who contracts for day labor employment with a day labor service agency.
3. " Day labor service agency" means an entity that provides day laborers to third party employers and that charges the third party employers for this service.
4. " Third party employer" means a person that contracts with a day labor service agency for the employment of day laborers.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 23 - Labor

§ 23-101 - Industrial commission; members; qualifications; appointment; terms; compensation; removal

§ 23-102 - Payment of salaries of commissioners

§ 23-103 - Organization; quorum

§ 23-104 - Seal; copies of orders or records as evidence

§ 23-105 - Sites of offices and sessions; business hours; sessions and records; voting

§ 23-106 - Capacity to sue and be sued; service of summons on commission

§ 23-107 - General powers

§ 23-108 - Director; employees; compensation and expenses

§ 23-108.01 - Powers and duties of director

§ 23-108.02 - Administrative law judges

§ 23-108.03 - Performance of certain powers and duties

§ 23-109 - Gifts and grants

§ 23-110 - Industrial commission ombudsman

§ 23-201 - Obtaining labor by false pretenses; civil liability; classification

§ 23-202 - Exaction of fee or gratuity as condition of employment prohibited; classification

§ 23-203 - Compulsion or coercion of employee or another to buy from a particular person; classification

§ 23-204 - Employee benefits; state preemption; exemption; definition

§ 23-205 - Employee scheduling; state preemption; exemptions

§ 23-206 - Employers; accommodations required

§ 23-211 - Definitions

§ 23-212 - Knowingly employing unauthorized aliens; prohibition; false and frivolous complaints; violation; classification; license suspension and revocation; affirmative defense

§ 23-212.01 - Intentionally employing unauthorized aliens; prohibition; false and frivolous complaints; violation; classification; license suspension and revocation; affirmative defense

§ 23-213 - Employer actions; federal or state law compliance

§ 23-214 - Verification of employment eligibility; e-verify program; economic development incentives; list of registered employers

§ 23-216 - Independent contractors; applicability

§ 23-230 - Definitions

§ 23-231 - Prohibited employments of persons under the age of eighteen

§ 23-232 - Prohibited employments of persons under the age of sixteen

§ 23-233 - Permissible hours of labor for persons under the age of sixteen; exceptions; definition

§ 23-234 - Minimum age of newspaper carriers

§ 23-235 - Exemptions

§ 23-236 - Cease and desist order; time for compliance; civil penalty

§ 23-237 - Hearings on cease and desist orders

§ 23-238 - Injunctive relief

§ 23-239 - Violation; classification

§ 23-240 - Rules and regulations

§ 23-241 - Application for variation; contents; notice; denial; hearing

§ 23-242 - Applicability of other laws

§ 23-281 - Operation of certain railroad employers on prescribed time

§ 23-282 - Underground mine employees and hoisting engineers; twelve hour day; exceptions; violation; classification

§ 23-284 - Laundry workers; exceptions; posting notice of hours of labor; arrangement of laundry rooms; violation; classification

§ 23-286.01 - Agricultural operations

§ 23-287 - Requiring railroad employee to work longer than sixteen consecutive hours; classification

§ 23-311 - Definitions

§ 23-312 - Powers and duties of commission

§ 23-313 - Investigation of wage rates

§ 23-314 - Wage board; membership; organization; quorum; compensation

§ 23-315 - Classification of employments by wage board

§ 23-316 - Establishment of minimum fair wage; procedure; criteria

§ 23-317 - Learner and apprentice wage rates

§ 23-318 - Power of wage board to administer oaths, issue subpoenas and take depositions

§ 23-319 - Notice of hearing on wage matters

§ 23-320 - Duty of commission to provide information to wage board

§ 23-321 - Report of wage board; action by commission

§ 23-322 - Directory orders

§ 23-323 - Posting of wage orders

§ 23-324 - Reconsideration of minimum wages in effect over a year

§ 23-325 - Judicial review of commission decisions; scope of review; appeal procedure; action of reviewing court

§ 23-326 - Special licenses to work for less than minimum wage

§ 23-327 - Action by employee for recovery of wages; amount of recovery

§ 23-328 - Contract or agreement for employment of minor at oppressive wage void

§ 23-329 - Violations; classification

§ 23-340 - Definitions

§ 23-341 - Equal wage rates; variations; penalties; enforcement

§ 23-350 - Definitions

§ 23-351 - Designation of paydays for employees; payment; exceptions; violation; classification; applicability; definition

§ 23-352 - Withholding of wages

§ 23-353 - Payment of wages of discharged employee; violation; classification

§ 23-354 - Preference of wages in insolvency proceedings or upon death of employer

§ 23-355 - Action by employee to recover wages; amount of recovery

§ 23-356 - Wage claims

§ 23-357 - Investigation of wage and nonwage compensation claims

§ 23-358 - Review of department determination

§ 23-359 - Effect of department determination

§ 23-360 - Penalty

§ 23-361 - Rules and regulations

§ 23-361.01 - Employer requirements; cash payments; unlawful practices; civil penalty

§ 23-361.02 - Paycheck deductions; authorization; civil penalty; definition

§ 23-362 - Minimum wage; prohibition

§ 23-362; Version 2 - Definitions

§ 23-363 - Minimum wage

§ 23-364 - Enforcement

§ 23-365 - Reliance on administrative rule or regulation

§ 23-371 - Definitions

§ 23-372 - Accrual of earned paid sick time

§ 23-373 - Use of earned paid sick time

§ 23-374 - Exercise of rights protected; retaliation prohibited

§ 23-375 - Notice

§ 23-376 - Regulations

§ 23-377 - Confidentiality and nondisclosure

§ 23-378 - Encouragement of more generous earned paid sick time policies; no effect on more generous policies or laws

§ 23-379 - Other legal requirements

§ 23-380 - Public education and outreach

§ 23-381 - Collective bargaining agreements

§ 23-391 - Overtime pay; workweek

§ 23-392 - Overtime compensation for certain law enforcement or probation officer activities; option; definitions

§ 23-401 - Definitions

§ 23-402 - Applicability

§ 23-403 - Employer's duty

§ 23-404 - Employee's duty

§ 23-405 - Duties and powers of the industrial commission relative to occupational safety and health

§ 23-406 - Division of occupational safety and health; director; appointment; qualifications; compensation

§ 23-407 - Duties and powers of the division

§ 23-408 - Inspection of places and practices of employment; closing conference; prohibitions; employee initiation of investigation; violation; classification; injunction

§ 23-409 - Advisory committees

§ 23-410 - Development of standards and rules

§ 23-411 - Temporary and experimental variances

§ 23-412 - Permanent variances

§ 23-413 - Protest of validity of order

§ 23-414 - Emergency temporary standards

§ 23-415 - Citations

§ 23-416 - De minimis violations

§ 23-417 - Enforcement procedure

§ 23-418 - Penalties; violation; classification

§ 23-418.01 - Additional penalty for wilful or repeated violation causing employee permanent disability or death covered by workers' compensation; payment to employee; enforcement

§ 23-419 - Imminent dangers

§ 23-420 - Hearing rights and procedures

§ 23-421 - Decisions of the administrative law judge; definition

§ 23-422 - Review board

§ 23-423 - Review board rights and procedures; definition

§ 23-425 - Employee discharge or discrimination

§ 23-426 - Confidentiality of trade secrets

§ 23-427 - Employer recordkeeping

§ 23-428 - State legal representation

§ 23-429 - Employer and employee representation

§ 23-430 - Political subdivision jurisdiction

§ 23-431 - Standards of competency

§ 23-432 - Voluntary protection and other model system implementation programs; exemption

§ 23-433 - Consulting program

§ 23-471 - Definitions

§ 23-472 - Administration

§ 23-473 - Owner's and operator's duty

§ 23-474 - Duties of commission

§ 23-475 - Duties of division

§ 23-476 - Safety standards and regulations

§ 23-477 - Notice requesting investigation

§ 23-478 - Enforcement

§ 23-479 - Hearing rights and procedures

§ 23-480 - Decisions of administrative law judge; contents; disposition and effect

§ 23-481 - Decision upon review

§ 23-482 - Time for compliance with order; extension of time; effect of orders

§ 23-483 - Petition for special action to review lawfulness of decision, order or decision upon review; procedure

§ 23-484 - Nonimpairment of other agencies

§ 23-485 - Special inspectors; civil liability

§ 23-486 - Boiler advisory board; members; terms; meetings

§ 23-487 - Political subdivision jurisdiction

§ 23-488 - Division inspection service

§ 23-491 - Definitions

§ 23-491.01 - Administration

§ 23-491.02 - Owner's and operator's duty

§ 23-491.03 - Existing conveyances

§ 23-491.04 - Commission powers and duties

§ 23-491.05 - Division powers

§ 23-491.06 - Development of standards and regulations

§ 23-491.07 - Certificate of inspection

§ 23-491.08 - Notice requesting investigation; confidentiality; determination of grounds

§ 23-491.09 - Enforcement

§ 23-491.10 - Hearing rights and procedures

§ 23-491.11 - Decisions of administrative law judge; contents; disposition and effect

§ 23-491.12 - Decision upon review

§ 23-491.13 - Effective date of orders; time for compliance; effect of orders

§ 23-491.14 - Petition for special action to review lawfulness of decision, order or decision upon review; procedure

§ 23-491.15 - Nonimpairment of other agencies

§ 23-491.16 - Private elevator inspector; qualifications; civil penalty; prohibited conduct; exemption from rule making

§ 23-493 - Definitions

§ 23-493.01 - Collection of samples

§ 23-493.02 - Scheduling of tests

§ 23-493.03 - Testing procedures

§ 23-493.04 - Testing policy requirements

§ 23-493.05 - Disciplinary procedures

§ 23-493.06 - Employer protection from litigation

§ 23-493.07 - Causes of action based on test results

§ 23-493.08 - Limits to causes of action

§ 23-493.09 - Confidentiality of results; access to records

§ 23-493.10 - Construction; collective bargaining

§ 23-493.11 - Effect of mandatory testing obligations

§ 23-493.12 - Severability

§ 23-494 - Noncompete clause prohibition; broadcast employees; definitions

§ 23-495 - Definitions

§ 23-495.01 - Voluntary veterans' performance employment policy; private employers; eligibility

§ 23-501 - Definitions

§ 23-502 - Rehabilitation services

§ 23-503 - Duties and powers

§ 23-503.01 - Coordination of vocational rehabilitation services

§ 23-504 - Merchandising businesses for the blind

§ 23-506 - Eligibility for assistance

§ 23-507 - Hearings

§ 23-508 - Administrative funds

§ 23-551 - Definitions

§ 23-552 - Exemptions

§ 23-553 - Day labor service agency; third party employer; duties

§ 23-561 - Definitions

§ 23-562 - Professional employer agreements; rights; notice

§ 23-563 - Registration requirements; confidentiality

§ 23-564 - Initial registration; fee

§ 23-565 - Renewal registration; fee

§ 23-566 - Group registration

§ 23-567 - Limited registration; fee

§ 23-568 - Alternative registration; fee

§ 23-569 - Financial capability; bonding; exception

§ 23-570 - Liability

§ 23-571 - Tax obligations and incentives

§ 23-572 - Services not insurance

§ 23-573 - Rights; duties

§ 23-574 - Covered employees; licensing

§ 23-575 - Violations; classification; civil penalties; rules

§ 23-576 - Professional employer organization fund; use; exemption

§ 23-601 - Declaration of policy

§ 23-602 - Definitions of words and phrases

§ 23-603 - Agricultural labor; definitions; exemption

§ 23-603.01 - American employer

§ 23-604 - Annual payroll and average annual payroll

§ 23-605 - Base period

§ 23-606 - Base-period employers

§ 23-607 - Base-period wages

§ 23-608 - Benefits

§ 23-609 - Benefit year

§ 23-609.01 - Hearing officers

§ 23-610 - Calendar quarter

§ 23-611 - Definition

§ 23-612 - Contributions

§ 23-612.01 - Crew leader

§ 23-613 - Employer

§ 23-613.01 - Employee; definition; exempt employment

§ 23-614 - Employing unit; temporary services employer; professional employer organization; definitions

§ 23-615 - Employment; definition

§ 23-615.01 - Political subdivision or instrumentality employment

§ 23-616 - Employment office

§ 23-617 - Exempt employment; definition

§ 23-618 - Fund

§ 23-618.01 - Hospital

§ 23-618.02 - Institution of higher education

§ 23-619 - Insured work

§ 23-619.01 - Misconduct connected with the employment; wilful misconduct; evaluation

§ 23-620 - State

§ 23-621 - Unemployed; definition

§ 23-621.01 - United States

§ 23-622 - Wages

§ 23-623 - Week

§ 23-624 - Plan maintained by an employer

§ 23-625 - Definition of levy

§ 23-625.01 - Definition of debtor

§ 23-625.02 - Definition of internal revenue code

§ 23-626 - Eligibility period

§ 23-627 - Exhaustee

§ 23-628 - Extended benefit period

§ 23-629 - Extended benefits

§ 23-630 - On and off indicators

§ 23-631 - Rate of insured unemployment; definition

§ 23-632 - Definition of regular benefits

§ 23-633 - Definition of state law

§ 23-634 - Eligibility requirements for extended benefits

§ 23-634.01 - Denial of benefits for failure to accept suitable work or actively seek work; definition

§ 23-635 - Weekly extended benefit amount

§ 23-636 - Total extended benefit amount; certain adjustments

§ 23-637 - Beginning and termination of extended benefit period

§ 23-638 - Credits and charges to employer accounts

§ 23-639 - Applicability of other articles

§ 23-642 - Compromise of claims for contributions

§ 23-643 - Extensions of time; regulations

§ 23-644 - Reciprocal arrangements

§ 23-645 - State-federal cooperation

§ 23-648 - Manpower services

§ 23-649 - Acquisition of lands and buildings

§ 23-652 - Publications by commission

§ 23-654 - Availability of records to foreign agency

§ 23-656 - Enforcement of chapter

§ 23-657 - Violations; classification

§ 23-921 - Administration of chapter

§ 23-926 - Inspection of employer records; noncompliance by employer; penalty

§ 23-927 - Power to enter places of employment

§ 23-928 - Investigation by agents

§ 23-929 - Enforcement of chapter

§ 23-930 - Unfair claim processing practices; bad faith; civil penalties

§ 23-932 - Violations; classification

§ 23-933 - Priority of judgment against assets of employer

§ 23-671 - Appeal tribunals

§ 23-672 - Appeals board

§ 23-672.01 - Effect of finding, judgment, conclusion or order in separate or subsequent action or proceeding; use as evidence

§ 23-673 - Determination of claim on unemployment due to labor dispute

§ 23-674 - Procedure in rendering decisions and orders; rights of parties; representation

§ 23-675 - Depositions; oaths; attendance of witnesses; production of papers

§ 23-676 - Failure to obey commission subpoena; classification

§ 23-677 - Contempt by contumacy or refusal to obey subpoena of commission

§ 23-679 - Fees of witnesses

§ 23-680 - Notices of hearings

§ 23-681 - Changing hearing date; good cause

§ 23-682 - Service of documents by electronic means

§ 23-683 - Exemption of claimant from fees; approval required for counsel or agent fee; violation; classification

§ 23-701 - Unemployment compensation fund; administration; composition

§ 23-702 - Custody of unemployment compensation fund

§ 23-703 - Accounts comprising unemployment compensation fund; deposits; refunds; commingling funds prohibited

§ 23-704 - Requisitions and withdrawals from accounts in unemployment compensation fund; conditions of expenditure for benefits, refunds and administration

§ 23-705 - Special administration fund

§ 23-706 - Use of special administration fund; transfer of monies

§ 23-707 - Employment security administration fund

§ 23-708 - Reimbursement of employment security administration fund

§ 23-709 - Employment service account

§ 23-721 - Work records kept by employing unit; inspection by commission

§ 23-722 - Reports of employing unit; information confidential; report of banking institution; disclosure of information; violation; classification

§ 23-722.01 - Employer reporting; exceptions; retention of records; unauthorized disclosure; civil penalty; new hire directory; definitions

§ 23-722.02 - Employer request; employee disclosure; violation; classification; requirements

§ 23-722.03 - Memorandum of understanding; retention; use; definition

§ 23-722.04 - Unemployment insurance information; disclosure; violation; classification

§ 23-723 - Penalties for failure to file timely or complete contribution and wage reports

§ 23-724 - Liability determinations; review; finality

§ 23-725 - Employer coverage; termination; election of coverage

§ 23-726 - Contributions; voluntary payment

§ 23-727 - Credits and charges to employer accounts

§ 23-728 - Standard rate of contribution

§ 23-729 - Change from the standard contribution rate

§ 23-730 - Variation and adjustment of contribution rates

§ 23-731 - Classification of employers by benefit experience to determine contribution rates; rate when report unavailable

§ 23-732 - Annual notice to employer of contribution rate; procedure for review and redetermination; quarterly notification; notification by electronic means

§ 23-733 - Transfer of employer experience rating accounts to successor employer; liability of successor

§ 23-733.01 - Assignments of rates; transfers of experience; violation; civil penalty; definitions

§ 23-734 - Agreement by employee to pay employer contribution void

§ 23-735 - Requiring or accepting payments from wages to finance employer's contribution; waiver of rights of employee; violation; classification

§ 23-736 - Interest on past due contributions; deposit of interest

§ 23-737 - Collection of contributions or interest; precedence of action

§ 23-737.01 - Collection of amounts due by certificate for judgment

§ 23-737.02 - Recovery of collection costs; fee for bad checks

§ 23-738 - Delinquency assessments; interest and penalties; petition for reassessment

§ 23-738.01 - Deficiency assessment; petition for reassessment

§ 23-739 - Jeopardy assessment; petition for reassessment

§ 23-740 - Procedure on petition for reassessment

§ 23-741 - Payment of amounts in dispute

§ 23-742 - Adjustment or refund of contribution; limitation

§ 23-743 - Limitations

§ 23-744 - Priority of claim for contributions due upon insolvency proceedings

§ 23-745 - Lien for unpaid contributions, interest and penalties

§ 23-746 - Superiority of lien; notice

§ 23-746.01 - Release or subordination of lien

§ 23-747 - Release of lien; bond; foreclosure and judgment against surety

§ 23-748 - Effect upon lien of transfer of assets by delinquent

§ 23-749 - Failure to make contributions or payments, furnish reports or produce or permit inspection of records; classification

§ 23-750 - Special provisions for nonprofit organizations and state and local governments

§ 23-751 - Authorizing certain state agencies and institutions of higher learning to elect to make payments in lieu of contributions

§ 23-751.01 - Employment by an Indian tribe; benefits; payments in lieu of contributions; definitions

§ 23-752 - Levy assessment and distraint

§ 23-753 - Surrender of property subject to levy; definition

§ 23-754 - Production of books

§ 23-755 - Property exempt from levy

§ 23-756 - Notice and sale of seized property

§ 23-757 - Authority to release levy and return property

§ 23-761 - Definitions

§ 23-762 - Requirements of shared work plan; approval

§ 23-763 - Shared work benefits; eligibility; requirements

§ 23-764 - Amount of benefits

§ 23-766 - Other provisions of this chapter; department regulations; applicability

§ 23-771 - Eligibility for benefits

§ 23-771.01 - Approved training; definitions

§ 23-771.02 - Training program

§ 23-772 - Claims for benefits; initial claim filing notice to employer; contents of notice; continued claim notice to employer; posting printed statements dealing with claims

§ 23-773 - Examination and determination of claims

§ 23-774 - Documentation of benefit eligibility

§ 23-775 - Disqualification from benefits

§ 23-776 - Disqualification from benefits for failure to accept suitable work or actively seek work; exceptions

§ 23-777 - Disqualification from benefits for unemployment resulting from labor dispute; exceptions; effect on contribution rate

§ 23-778 - Disqualification from benefits for fraud

§ 23-779 - Amount of benefits

§ 23-780 - Duration and amount of benefits; definition

§ 23-781 - Denial of benefits to certain athletes and aliens

§ 23-782 - Payment of benefits

§ 23-783 - Assignment or pledge of benefits void; exemption from attachment or execution; waiver of exemption void

§ 23-784 - Agreement for waiver of rights void

§ 23-785 - False statement, misrepresentation or nondisclosure of material fact to obtain benefits; classification

§ 23-786 - False statement, misrepresentation or nondisclosure of material fact to defraud claimant; classification

§ 23-787 - Repayment of and deductions for benefits obtained by claimants not entitled to benefits; collection; interest

§ 23-788 - Recovery of trade act overpayments

§ 23-789 - Recovery of child support obligations; definitions

§ 23-789.01 - Recovery of uncollected overissuance of food stamp coupons; definitions

§ 23-790 - Recovery on behalf of foreign agency of benefits paid through nondisclosure or misrepresentation of material fact

§ 23-791 - Benefits reduced by pension payment; definition

§ 23-792 - Voluntary withholding; income tax

§ 23-793 - Qualified transient lodging employment; definition

§ 23-794 - School bus contractors with educational institutions; definition

§ 23-795 - Contract educational providers; definition

§ 23-796 - Services for a charter school; benefits

§ 23-798 - Reservation of legislative authority; no vested rights

§ 23-799 - Severability

§ 23-799.01 - Fraud prevention; report

§ 23-801 - Liability of employer

§ 23-802 - Declaration of policy

§ 23-803 - Hazardous occupations

§ 23-804 - Posting of notices by employer

§ 23-805 - Right of action for damages; two-year limitation

§ 23-806 - Contributory negligence or assumption of risk as question of fact; effect of comparative negligence on damages

§ 23-807 - Agreement exempting employer from liability void; setoffs by employer

§ 23-808 - Limitation on attorney's fee; violation; classification

§ 23-901 - Definitions

§ 23-901.01 - Occupational disease; proximate causation; definition

§ 23-901.02 - Liability of last employer; exception

§ 23-901.03 - Appointment of committee of medical consultants for claims; qualifications, powers, duties and compensation

§ 23-901.04 - Compensation precluded by misconduct, self-exposure or disobedience of orders of commission; definition

§ 23-901.05 - Occupational disease aggravated by other disease or other disease aggravated by occupational disease; effect on compensation

§ 23-901.06 - Volunteer workers

§ 23-901.07 - Persons with disabilities in vocational training; definition

§ 23-901.08 - Professional employer organizations

§ 23-901.09 - Presumption; cancers; firefighters and fire investigators; applicability; definitions

§ 23-902 - Employers subject to chapter; exceptions

§ 23-903 - Application of chapter to persons engaged in interstate commerce; limitation

§ 23-904 - Arizona worker injuries in other state; injury to foreign worker in this state; evidence of insurance; judicial notice of other state's laws

§ 23-905 - Minor employees; limitation on payment of lump sum award; additional compensation

§ 23-906 - Liability under chapter or under common law of employer securing compensation; carriers; service representatives; right of employee to make election; procedure for making election

§ 23-907 - Liability of employer failing to secure compensation; defenses; presumption; right of employee to compensation under chapter; information exchange; civil penalties; settlement of disputed claim

§ 23-908 - Injury reports by employer and physician; schedule of fees; notification; public meeting; violation; classification

§ 23-909 - Motion picture exemption

§ 23-910 - Exemption for licensees

§ 23-941 - Hearing rights and procedure

§ 23-941.01 - Settlement of claims; full and final; exception; definitions

§ 23-941.02 - Vexatious litigants; designation; definitions

§ 23-941.03 - Settlement of claims; supportive medical maintenance benefits; definition

§ 23-942 - Awards of administrative law judge; contents; disposition and effect

§ 23-943 - Decision on review

§ 23-944 - Effective date of orders; time for compliance; effect of orders

§ 23-945 - Petition for hearing on validity of order; procedure; substitution of order

§ 23-946 - Action asserting invalidity of order; limitation; venue and procedure

§ 23-946.01 - Stay of court proceedings pending determination of issues by commission

§ 23-947 - Time within which hearing must be requested; definition

§ 23-948 - Jurisdiction of actions concerning orders or petitions for writ of mandamus; right of appeal

§ 23-949 - Effect of action concerning order; procedure to stay order

§ 23-950 - Priority of actions

§ 23-951 - Writ of certiorari to review lawfulness of award, order or decision upon review; procedure

§ 23-952 - Continuation of order or award pending hearing or appeal

§ 23-953 - Notice of award; effect of petition for hearing or appeal; overpayment

§ 23-954 - Payment of interest on awards

§ 23-961 - Methods of securing compensation by employers; deficit premium; civil penalty

§ 23-961.01 - Self-insurance pools

§ 23-962 - Insurance by governmental units; payment of premiums

§ 23-963 - Provisions of compensation insurance policy

§ 23-963.01 - Policies with deductible coverage; medical-only loss

§ 23-964 - Posting notice of compliance with compensation law

§ 23-966 - Failure of employer to pay claim or comply with commission order; reimbursement of funds

§ 23-967 - Deduction of premium from employee wage or salary; violation; classification

§ 23-968 - Notification to employer by carrier

§ 23-969 - Satisfaction of lien; release

§ 23-970 - Misrepresentation of payroll, job description, job function or loss history affecting premium payment; violation; classification; penalty; statute of limitations; civil action

§ 23-971 - Firefighter and fire investigator cancer claim information; data sharing; definitions

§ 23-1001 - Delivery of insurance contract or policy to employer

§ 23-1021 - Right of employee to compensation

§ 23-1021.01 - Peace officers; fire fighters; employment status

§ 23-1022 - Compensation as exclusive remedy for employees; definition; exceptions; public agency employees

§ 23-1023 - Liability of third person to injured employee; election of remedies

§ 23-1024 - Choice of remedy as waiver of alternate remedy

§ 23-1025 - Agreement by employee to waive compensation or to pay premium void; unlawful collection of premium; classification

§ 23-1026 - Periodic medical examination of employee; effect of refusal or obstruction of examination or treatment

§ 23-1027 - Compensation precluded by neglect or refusal of employee to submit to treatment

§ 23-1028 - False statements or representations to obtain compensation; forfeiture; violation; classification; sworn statement; definition

§ 23-1029 - Repeal of chapter; effect on rights of parties

§ 23-1030 - Effect on employers' liability law

§ 23-1031 - Persons incarcerated; suspension of benefits

§ 23-1041 - Basis for computing compensation; definition

§ 23-1042 - Basis for computing average monthly wage of minor permanently incapacitated

§ 23-1043 - Hernias classified for compensation purposes

§ 23-1043.01 - Heart-related and mental cases

§ 23-1043.02 - Human immunodeficiency virus; establishing exposure; definition

§ 23-1043.03 - Hepatitis C; establishing exposure; definition

§ 23-1043.04 - Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus; spinal meningitis; tuberculosis; establishing exposure; definitions

§ 23-1044 - Compensation for partial disability; computation

§ 23-1045 - Compensation for total disability; permanent total disability defined

§ 23-1046 - Death benefits

§ 23-1047 - Procedure for determining compensation for partial disability and permanent total disability in cases not enumerated; procedure for determining nonscheduled dependency and duration of compensation to partial dependents in death cases

§ 23-1048 - Reasonable accommodations; earning capacity determination; definitions

§ 23-1061 - Notice of accident; form of notice; claim for compensation; reopening; payment of compensation; notification of injury

§ 23-1061.01 - Treatment by prayer or spiritual means

§ 23-1062 - Medical, surgical, hospital benefits; translation services; travel expenses; commencement of compensation; method of compensation

§ 23-1062.01 - Timely payment of medical, surgical and hospital benefit billing; content of bills; contracts between providers and carriers; exceptions; definitions

§ 23-1062.02 - Use of controlled substances; prescription of schedule II controlled substances; reports; treatment plans; monitoring program inquiries; preauthorizations; definitions

§ 23-1062.03 - Evidence-based medical treatment guidelines

§ 23-1063 - Apportionment of compensation

§ 23-1064 - Presumptions of dependency; determination

§ 23-1065 - Special fund; purposes; investment committee

§ 23-1066 - Minor or incompetent claimant; appointment of guardian ad litem; procedure

§ 23-1067 - Commutation of compensation to lump sum payment

§ 23-1068 - Assignment of compensation; exemption from attachment or execution; payment to nonresident

§ 23-1069 - Attorney's fees; payment; time limitation

§ 23-1070 - Medical, surgical and hospital benefits provided by employer; pilot program

§ 23-1070.01 - Request for early hearing; stipulation; action of commission

§ 23-1071 - Notice by employees with disabilities of absence from locality or state; failure to give notice; change of doctor

§ 23-1072 - Autopsy in death claims; effect of refusal by claimant

§ 23-1073 - Processing of prior claims

§ 23-1081 - Administrative fund; purposes and administration

§ 23-1091 - Assigned risk plan

§ 23-1101 - Definition of report

§ 23-1102 - Workers' compensation presumptions of compensability; report

§ 23-1103 - Impact of presumptions; liability

§ 23-1104 - Report procedures and deadlines

§ 23-1105 - Heart-related, perivascular and pulmonary cases; firefighters; presumption; definition

§ 23-1301 - Definitions

§ 23-1302 - Prohibition of agreements denying employment because of nonmembership in labor organization

§ 23-1303 - Illegality of acts or agreements violating article; strike or picketing for illegal purpose

§ 23-1304 - Prohibition of threatened or actual interference with a person, his family or property to compel him to join labor organization, strike or leave employment

§ 23-1305 - Prohibition of conspiracy to induce persons to refuse to work with persons not members of labor organization

§ 23-1306 - Civil liability of person violating article

§ 23-1307 - Injunctive relief from injury resulting from violation of article

§ 23-1321 - Definitions

§ 23-1322 - Unlawful picketing

§ 23-1323 - Injunctive relief; damages

§ 23-1324 - Violations; classification

§ 23-1325 - Defamation; damages

§ 23-1327 - Unlawful mass assembly

§ 23-1328 - Trespassory assembly

§ 23-1329 - Publicizing enjoined picketing or assembly; prohibition

§ 23-1341 - Invalidity of employment agreement not to join, become or remain member of labor or employers' organization

§ 23-1342 - Compelling or coercing another not to join labor union as requisite to employment; classification

§ 23-1361 - Blacklist; definition; exceptions; privileged communications; immunity

§ 23-1362 - Blacklisting; classification

§ 23-1381 - Declaration of policy

§ 23-1382 - Definitions

§ 23-1383 - Rights of employees

§ 23-1384 - Rights of employer

§ 23-1385 - Unfair labor practices; definition

§ 23-1386 - Agricultural employment relations board; members; terms; appointment

§ 23-1387 - Powers and duties

§ 23-1388 - Officers and employees of the board

§ 23-1389 - Representatives and elections

§ 23-1390 - Prevention of unfair labor practices

§ 23-1391 - Investigatory powers

§ 23-1392 - Violation; classification

§ 23-1393 - Court jurisdiction

§ 23-1394 - Scope of article

§ 23-1395 - Limitations

§ 23-1411 - Public safety employee organizational rights; definition

§ 23-1421 - Third-party benefits organizations; damages; exemptions; exclusive remedy; statute of limitations; applicability; definitions

§ 23-1431 - Public employers; public monies; contracts; union activities; standing; state preemption; definitions

§ 23-1501 - Severability of employment relationships; protection from retaliatory discharges; exclusivity of statutory remedies in employment

§ 23-1502 - Constructive discharge

§ 23-1601 - Declaration of independent business status

§ 23-1602 - Determination of employment relationship; prohibition

§ 23-1603 - Qualified marketplace contractors; definitions

§ 23-1604 - Franchisor and franchisee; owner of a mark and licensee; employment relationship; definitions

§ 23-1605 - Motor carriers; employment status; safety improvement; definitions

§ 23-1701 - Definitions

§ 23-1702 - Municipal firefighter cancer reimbursement fund; exemption; rulemaking; annual report

§ 23-1703 - Assessment