Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 19 - Initiative, Referendum and Recall
§ 19-205.01 - Registered circulators; requirements; violation; classification; definition

19-205.01. Registered circulators; requirements; violation; classification; definition
A. All circulators who are not residents of this state and all paid circulators must register as circulators with the secretary of state before circulating petitions pursuant to this chapter. The person or organization that is circulating the petition shall collect and submit the completed registration applications to the secretary of state. The secretary of state shall establish in the instructions and procedures manual issued pursuant to section 16-452 a procedure for registering circulators, including circulator registration applications, and shall publish on a website maintained by the secretary of state all information regarding circulators that is required pursuant to this section. The filing officer shall disqualify all signatures collected by a circulator who fails to register pursuant to this subsection as provided for in section 19-208.01, subsection A.
B. The circulator registration application required by subsection A of this section shall require the following:
1. The circulator's full name, residence address, telephone number and email address.
2. The recall petition on which the circulator will gather signatures.
3. A statement that the circulator consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of this state in resolving any disputes concerning the circulation of petitions by that circulator.
4. The address of the person or organization in this state for which the circulator is gathering signatures and at which the circulator will accept service of process related to disputes concerning circulation of that circulator's petitions. Service of process is effected under this section by delivering a copy of the subpoena to that person individually, by leaving a copy of the subpoena with a person of suitable age or by mailing a copy of the subpoena to the person or organization by certified mail to the address provided.
5. An affidavit from the registered circulator that is signed by the circulator before a notary public and that includes the following declaration:
I, (print name) , under penalty of a class 1 misdemeanor, acknowledge that I am eligible to register as a circulator in the state of Arizona, that all of the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand Arizona election laws applicable to the collection of signatures for a recall.
C. Within five business days after submission and review of a complete and correct circulator registration application that complies with this section, the secretary of state shall register and assign a circulator registration number to the circulator.
D. A person may not register as a circulator pursuant to this section if the person:
1. Has had a civil or criminal penalty imposed for a violation of title 16 or this title within the immediately preceding five years.
2. Has been convicted of treason or a felony and has not been restored to civil rights as described in section 16-101, subsection A, paragraph 5.
3. Has been convicted of any criminal offense involving fraud, forgery or identity theft.
E. If a registered circulator is properly served with a subpoena to provide evidence in an action regarding circulation of petitions and fails to appear or produce documents as provided for in the subpoena, all signatures collected by that circulator are deemed invalid. The party serving the subpoena may request an order from the court directing the filing officer to remove any signatures collected by the circulator as provided for in section 19-208.01, subsection A.
F. Any person may challenge the lawful registration of circulators in the superior court of the county in which the circulator is registered. A challenge may not be commenced more than ten business days after the date that the filing officer has received, processed and made available all final petition sheets individually numbered. The person challenging signatures may amend that complaint after the filing officer has removed signatures and signature sheets as prescribed in section 19-208.01. An action pursuant to this section shall be advanced on the calendar and decided by the court as soon as possible. Either party may appeal to the supreme court within five calendar days after entry of judgment. The prevailing party in an action to challenge the registration of a circulator under this section is entitled to reasonable attorney fees.
G. A person who knowingly omits or misrepresents information or provides false information on a circulator registration application or who registers in violation of this section is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor.
H. For the purposes of this title, " paid circulator" :
1. Means a natural person who receives monetary or other compensation for obtaining signatures on a recall petition or for circulating recall petitions for signatures.
2. Does not include a paid employee of any person or organization, unless that employee has or will obtain two hundred or more signatures on a recall petition in an election cycle.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 19 - Initiative, Referendum and Recall

§ 19-101 - Referendum petition; circulators; violation; classification

§ 19-101.01 - Legislative findings and intent; strict compliance

§ 19-102 - Initiative petition; circulators

§ 19-102.01 - Initiative petitions; standard of review

§ 19-111 - Number for petition; training materials

§ 19-111.01 - Text review; legislative council; recommendations

§ 19-112 - Signatures and verification; attachment

§ 19-113 - Withdrawal of petition signature; payment of remuneration; violation; classification

§ 19-114 - Prohibition on circulating petitions by certain persons; statement of organization

§ 19-114.01 - Prohibition on signing petition for profit; classification

§ 19-115 - Unlawful acts; violations; classification

§ 19-116 - Signing petitions; coercion; intimidation; false description; classification

§ 19-117 - Initiative and referendum petition; changes; applicability

§ 19-118 - Registered circulators; requirements; violation; classification; definition

§ 19-118.01 - Signature collection; prohibited payments; violation; classification

§ 19-119 - Deceptive mailings; civil penalty

§ 19-119.01 - Petition signature fraud; classification; list of prohibited persons

§ 19-119.02 - Initiative, referendum and recall handbook; secretary of state

§ 19-121 - Signature sheets; petitions; form; procedure for filing

§ 19-121.01 - Secretary of state; removal of petition and ineligible signatures; sheets copies; random sample; presumption

§ 19-121.02 - Certification by county recorder

§ 19-121.03 - Judicial review of actions by county recorder; venue

§ 19-121.04 - Disposition of petitions by secretary of state

§ 19-121.05 - Special fund for reimbursement of county recorders

§ 19-122 - Refusal of secretary of state to file petition or transmit facsimiles of signature sheets or affidavits of circulators; writ of mandamus; venue

§ 19-123 - Publicity pamphlet; printing; distribution; public hearings

§ 19-124 - Arguments and analyses on measures; cost; submission at special election

§ 19-124.01 - Judicial information

§ 19-125 - Form of ballot

§ 19-126 - Counting and canvassing votes; governor's proclamation

§ 19-127 - Preservation and publication of approved measures

§ 19-129 - Destroying, suppressing or filing false initiative or referendum petition; classification

§ 19-141 - Initiative and referendum in counties, cities and towns

§ 19-142 - Referendum petitions against municipal actions; emergency measures; zoning actions

§ 19-143 - Initiative petition in cities; action of council; amendment of charter

§ 19-161 - Challenges to legislative referenda

§ 19-201 - Officers subject to recall; number of petitioners

§ 19-201.01 - Legislative finding and intent; strict compliance

§ 19-202 - Recall petition; limitations; subsequent petition

§ 19-202.01 - Application for recall petition

§ 19-203 - Recall petition; contents; submission for verification; nonacceptance

§ 19-204 - Form of petition

§ 19-204.01 - Sample recall petitions; strict compliance

§ 19-205 - Signatures and verification

§ 19-205.01 - Registered circulators; requirements; violation; classification; definition

§ 19-205.02 - Prohibition on circulating of petitions by certain persons

§ 19-205.03 - Prohibition on signing petition for profit; classification

§ 19-205.04 - Withdrawal of petition signature; payment of remuneration; violation; classification

§ 19-206 - Coercion or other unlawful acts; violation; classification

§ 19-206.01 - Recall petition signature fraud; violation; classification; list of prohibited persons; definition

§ 19-207 - Notice to officer; statement of defense

§ 19-208 - Resignation of person

§ 19-208.01 - Removal of petition sheets and ineligible signatures; certification of number of signatures

§ 19-208.02 - Certification by county recorder

§ 19-208.03 - Disposition of petition; date of filing

§ 19-208.04 - Judicial review of actions by county recorder

§ 19-208.05 - Special fund for reimbursement of county recorders

§ 19-208.06 - Refusal of filing officer to file petition or transmit facsimiles of signature sheets or affidavits of circulators; writ of mandamus; venue

§ 19-209 - Order for special recall election; officer in charge of election; definition

§ 19-210 - Reimbursement for county expenses in conducting special recall election

§ 19-212 - Nomination petition; form; filing

§ 19-213 - Form and contents of ballot

§ 19-214 - Recall election board; consolidation of precincts

§ 19-215 - General election laws applicable

§ 19-216 - Election results

§ 19-217 - Recall petition; changes; applicability

§ 19-221 - Statement on recall

§ 19-222 - Pledge to resign subject to recall

§ 19-231 - Petition for election to request resignation of district judges

§ 19-232 - Form of ballot

§ 19-233 - Canvass of vote; effect of results

§ 19-234 - Recommendation of candidate by electors; filing by candidate of pledge to recall