Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 19 - Initiative, Referendum and Recall
§ 19-112 - Signatures and verification; attachment

19-112. Signatures and verification; attachment
A. Every qualified elector signing a petition shall do so in the presence of the person who is circulating the petition and who is to execute the affidavit of verification. At the time of signing, the qualified elector shall sign his first and last names in the spaces provided and the elector so signing shall print his first and last names and write, in the appropriate spaces following the signature, the signer's residence address, giving street name and number, and if he has no street address, a description of his residence location. The elector so signing shall write, in the appropriate spaces following the elector's address, the date on which the elector signed the petition.
B. The signature sheets shall be attached at all times during circulation to a full and correct copy of the title and text of the measure or constitutional amendment proposed or referred by the petition. The title and text shall be in at least eight-point type and shall include both the original and the amended text. The text shall indicate material deleted, if any, by printing the material with a line drawn through the center of the letters of the material and shall indicate material added or new material by printing the letters of the material in capital letters. For the purposes of a referendum, the secretary of state's time and-date-marked copy of the measure with its proposed text set out in full or for any local matter, the copy of the measure signed or enacted into law by the mayor, or chairman of the board of supervisors, as appropriate, with its proposed text set out in full and including the original and any amended text constitutes the full and correct copy of the title and text of the measure for circulation for signatures. For any local matter enacted without an ordinance or resolution, the official minutes approved by the governing body and signed by the clerk of the governing body constitute the full and correct copy of the title and text of the measure. Referendum signatures that are collected with any copy of the measure that is not a facsimile of the time-and-date-marked copy for statewide measures or the full and correct copy of a local measure as prescribed by this subsection are invalid.
C. The person before whom the signatures, names and addresses were written on the signature sheet, on the affidavit form pursuant to this section, shall subscribe and swear before a notary public that each of the names on the sheet was signed and the name and address were printed by the elector and the circulator on the date indicated, that in his belief each signer was a qualified elector of a certain county of the state, or, in the case of a city, town or county measure, of the city, town or county affected by the measure on the date indicated, and that at all times during circulation of the signature sheet a copy of the title and text was attached to the signature sheet. All signatures of petitioners on a signature sheet shall be those of qualified electors who are registered to vote in the same county. However, if signatures from more than one county appear on the same signature sheet, only the valid signatures from the same county that are most numerous on the signature sheet shall be counted.
D. The affidavit shall be in the following form printed on the reverse side of each signature sheet:
Affidavit of Circulator
State of Arizona )
) ss.:
County of ___________)
(Where notarized)
I, ____(print name)____, a person who is not required to be a resident of this state but who is otherwise qualified to register to vote in the county of _______, in the state of Arizona at all times during my circulation of this petition sheet, and under the penalty of a class 1 misdemeanor, depose and say that subject to section 19-115, Arizona Revised Statutes, each individual printed the individual's own name and address and signed this sheet of the foregoing petition in my presence on the date indicated and I believe that each signer's name and residence address or post office address are correctly stated and that each signer is a qualified elector of the state of Arizona (or in the case of a city, town or county measure, of the city, town or county affected by the measure proposed to be initiated or referred to the people) and that at all times during circulation of this signature sheet a copy of the title and text was attached to the signature sheet.
(Signature of affiant) ____________________
(Residence address, street
and number of affiant, or
if no street address, a
description of residence
Subscribed and sworn to before me on ____________________.
Notary Public
(Form shall include a designated location for notary stamp)
E. The eight-point type required by subsection B of this section does not apply to maps, charts or other graphics.
F. The form of the affidavit shall not be modified. Any petition that contains a partially completed affidavit or an affidavit that has been modified is invalid.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 19 - Initiative, Referendum and Recall

§ 19-101 - Referendum petition; circulators; violation; classification

§ 19-101.01 - Legislative findings and intent; strict compliance

§ 19-102 - Initiative petition; circulators

§ 19-102.01 - Initiative petitions; standard of review

§ 19-111 - Number for petition; training materials

§ 19-111.01 - Text review; legislative council; recommendations

§ 19-112 - Signatures and verification; attachment

§ 19-113 - Withdrawal of petition signature; payment of remuneration; violation; classification

§ 19-114 - Prohibition on circulating petitions by certain persons; statement of organization

§ 19-114.01 - Prohibition on signing petition for profit; classification

§ 19-115 - Unlawful acts; violations; classification

§ 19-116 - Signing petitions; coercion; intimidation; false description; classification

§ 19-117 - Initiative and referendum petition; changes; applicability

§ 19-118 - Registered circulators; requirements; violation; classification; definition

§ 19-118.01 - Signature collection; prohibited payments; violation; classification

§ 19-119 - Deceptive mailings; civil penalty

§ 19-119.01 - Petition signature fraud; classification; list of prohibited persons

§ 19-119.02 - Initiative, referendum and recall handbook; secretary of state

§ 19-121 - Signature sheets; petitions; form; procedure for filing

§ 19-121.01 - Secretary of state; removal of petition and ineligible signatures; sheets copies; random sample; presumption

§ 19-121.02 - Certification by county recorder

§ 19-121.03 - Judicial review of actions by county recorder; venue

§ 19-121.04 - Disposition of petitions by secretary of state

§ 19-121.05 - Special fund for reimbursement of county recorders

§ 19-122 - Refusal of secretary of state to file petition or transmit facsimiles of signature sheets or affidavits of circulators; writ of mandamus; venue

§ 19-123 - Publicity pamphlet; printing; distribution; public hearings

§ 19-124 - Arguments and analyses on measures; cost; submission at special election

§ 19-124.01 - Judicial information

§ 19-125 - Form of ballot

§ 19-126 - Counting and canvassing votes; governor's proclamation

§ 19-127 - Preservation and publication of approved measures

§ 19-129 - Destroying, suppressing or filing false initiative or referendum petition; classification

§ 19-141 - Initiative and referendum in counties, cities and towns

§ 19-142 - Referendum petitions against municipal actions; emergency measures; zoning actions

§ 19-143 - Initiative petition in cities; action of council; amendment of charter

§ 19-161 - Challenges to legislative referenda

§ 19-201 - Officers subject to recall; number of petitioners

§ 19-201.01 - Legislative finding and intent; strict compliance

§ 19-202 - Recall petition; limitations; subsequent petition

§ 19-202.01 - Application for recall petition

§ 19-203 - Recall petition; contents; submission for verification; nonacceptance

§ 19-204 - Form of petition

§ 19-204.01 - Sample recall petitions; strict compliance

§ 19-205 - Signatures and verification

§ 19-205.01 - Registered circulators; requirements; violation; classification; definition

§ 19-205.02 - Prohibition on circulating of petitions by certain persons

§ 19-205.03 - Prohibition on signing petition for profit; classification

§ 19-205.04 - Withdrawal of petition signature; payment of remuneration; violation; classification

§ 19-206 - Coercion or other unlawful acts; violation; classification

§ 19-206.01 - Recall petition signature fraud; violation; classification; list of prohibited persons; definition

§ 19-207 - Notice to officer; statement of defense

§ 19-208 - Resignation of person

§ 19-208.01 - Removal of petition sheets and ineligible signatures; certification of number of signatures

§ 19-208.02 - Certification by county recorder

§ 19-208.03 - Disposition of petition; date of filing

§ 19-208.04 - Judicial review of actions by county recorder

§ 19-208.05 - Special fund for reimbursement of county recorders

§ 19-208.06 - Refusal of filing officer to file petition or transmit facsimiles of signature sheets or affidavits of circulators; writ of mandamus; venue

§ 19-209 - Order for special recall election; officer in charge of election; definition

§ 19-210 - Reimbursement for county expenses in conducting special recall election

§ 19-212 - Nomination petition; form; filing

§ 19-213 - Form and contents of ballot

§ 19-214 - Recall election board; consolidation of precincts

§ 19-215 - General election laws applicable

§ 19-216 - Election results

§ 19-217 - Recall petition; changes; applicability

§ 19-221 - Statement on recall

§ 19-222 - Pledge to resign subject to recall

§ 19-231 - Petition for election to request resignation of district judges

§ 19-232 - Form of ballot

§ 19-233 - Canvass of vote; effect of results

§ 19-234 - Recommendation of candidate by electors; filing by candidate of pledge to recall