Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 17 - Game and Fish
§ 17-333 - License classifications; fees; reduced fee and complimentary licenses; annual report; review

17-333. License classifications; fees; reduced fee and complimentary licenses; annual report; review
A. The commission shall prescribe by rule license classifications that are valid for the taking or handling of wildlife, fees for licenses, permits, tags and stamps and application fees.
B. The commission may temporarily reduce or waive any fee prescribed by rule under this title on the recommendation of the director.
C. The commission may reduce the fees for licenses and issue complimentary licenses, including the following:
1. A complimentary license to a pioneer who is at least seventy years of age and who has been a resident of this state for twenty-five or more consecutive years immediately before applying for the license. The pioneer license is valid for the licensee's lifetime, and the commission may not require renewal of the license.
2. A complimentary license to a veteran of the armed forces of the United States who has been a resident of this state for one year or more immediately before applying for the license and who receives compensation from the United States government for a permanent service-connected disability rated as one hundred percent disabling.
3. A license for a reduced fee of up to twenty-five percent less than the full license fee to a veteran of the United States armed forces who has been a resident of this state for one year or more immediately before applying for the license and who receives compensation from the United States government for a service-connected disability.
4. A license for a reduced fee that is one-half of the full license fee to a person who has been a resident of this state for one year or more immediately before applying for the license and who submits satisfactory proof to the department that the person is a veteran and a bona fide purple heart medal recipient.
5. A youth license for a reduced fee to a resident of this state who is either:
(a) A member of the boy scouts of America and who has attained the rank of eagle scout.
(b) A member of the girl scouts of the USA and who has received the gold award.
D. All monies collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the game and fish fund established by section 17-261.
E. On or before December 31 of each year, the commission shall submit an annual report to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the chairperson of the senate natural resources, energy and water committee and the chairperson of the house of representatives energy, environment and natural resources committee, or their successor committees, that includes information relating to license classifications, fees for licenses, permits, tags and stamps and any other fees that the commission prescribes by rule. The joint legislative audit committee may assign a committee of reference to hold a public hearing and review the annual report submitted by the commission.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 17 - Game and Fish

§ 17-101 - Definitions

§ 17-102 - Wildlife as state property; exceptions

§ 17-103 - Duties of county attorneys

§ 17-104 - Duties of peace officers as special game rangers

§ 17-105 - Immunity of witnesses

§ 17-201 - Game and fish department and game and fish commission members; appointment; removal; meetings

§ 17-202 - Arizona game and fish commission appointment recommendation board

§ 17-211 - Director; selection; removal; powers and duties; employees

§ 17-212 - Director's seal; authentication of records

§ 17-213 - Prohibition on political activity

§ 17-214 - Arizona game and fish department reserve; members; powers and duties; compensation

§ 17-215 - Fingerprint clearance card; employees; volunteers

§ 17-231 - General powers and duties of the commission

§ 17-232 - Agreements with other states for reciprocal use of licenses

§ 17-233 - Acquisition and disposition of buffalo and buffalo meat

§ 17-234 - Open or closed seasons; bag limits; possession limits

§ 17-235 - Migratory birds

§ 17-236 - Taking birds; possession of raptors

§ 17-237 - Pollution of waters

§ 17-238 - Special licenses for field trials, for shooting preserves and for collecting or holding wildlife in captivity

§ 17-239 - Wildlife depredations; investigations; corrective measures; disposal; reports; judicial review

§ 17-240 - Disposition of wildlife; devices; unlawful devices; notice of intention to destroy; waiting period; destruction; jurisdiction of recovery actions; disposition of unclaimed property

§ 17-241 - Acquisition and disposition of lands and waters; retention of rights; disposition of proceeds

§ 17-242 - Guaranteeing irrigation district assessment; sale of land located within federal reclamation projects and irrigation districts

§ 17-243 - Sale of surplus products of federal aid projects; disposition of proceeds

§ 17-244 - Bulletin; refuge signboards; posted lands

§ 17-245 - Training courses

§ 17-246 - Ground leases; installment purchase of facilities

§ 17-247 - Terms of agreements

§ 17-248 - Certification of installment purchase agreements by the attorney general

§ 17-249 - Inmate labor

§ 17-250 - Wildlife diseases; order of director; violation; classification; rule making exemption

§ 17-251 - Possession or use of a firearm silencer or muffler while hunting; definition

§ 17-252 - Geospatial data and geographic information system services; wildlife species location information; disclosure or inspection; definitions

§ 17-253 - Mexican gray wolf; memorandum of understanding; reporting

§ 17-255 - Definition of aquatic invasive species

§ 17-255.01 - Aquatic invasive species program; powers

§ 17-255.02 - Prohibitions

§ 17-255.03 - Violations; civil penalties; classification; cost recovery

§ 17-255.04 - Applicability; no private right of action

§ 17-261 - Game and fish fund

§ 17-261.01 - Game and fish revolving fund

§ 17-262 - Investment of surplus funds; earned interest

§ 17-263 - Membership dues

§ 17-264 - Budget appropriation

§ 17-265 - Game and fish in-lieu fee program restoration endowment trust fund; exemption; definition

§ 17-266 - Construction by employees or force account

§ 17-267 - Land and water conservation and recreation development fund

§ 17-268 - Game, non-game, fish and endangered species fund

§ 17-269 - Game and fish publications revolving fund

§ 17-271 - Wildlife endowment fund

§ 17-272 - Voluntary contributions in lieu of property taxes

§ 17-273 - Firearms safety and ranges fund; uses; criteria

§ 17-274 - Arizona game and fish department fleet vehicle replacement fund

§ 17-275 - Arizona game and fish department fleet operations fund

§ 17-281 - Definitions

§ 17-282 - Conservation development fund; purposes

§ 17-283 - Issuance of bonds; negotiability; resolution; notice; tax exemption

§ 17-284 - Pledges; lien; personal liability; incontestability

§ 17-285 - Bonds as legal investments; state nonliability

§ 17-286 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 17-287 - Impairment of bondholder rights; prohibition; inclusion in resolutions and indentures

§ 17-288 - Distributions from the conservation development fund

§ 17-289 - Bond proceeds fund; investment

§ 17-290 - Designation of fiscal agent and trustees; monies of the authority; fees

§ 17-291 - Additional bonds

§ 17-292 - Capital improvement fund

§ 17-293 - Unlawful interest in real property by commission member; violation; classification

§ 17-294 - Annual audit of funds

§ 17-295 - Limitation on bonding

§ 17-296 - Definitions

§ 17-297 - Arizona game and fish commission heritage fund

§ 17-298 - Expenditures from fund; purpose and amounts; annual report

§ 17-298.01 - Decennial performance audit

§ 17-299 - Arizona wildlife conservation fund

§ 17-301 - Times when wildlife may be taken; exceptions; methods of taking

§ 17-301.01 - Protection from wildlife

§ 17-302 - Taking of bear or mountain lion for protection of property; report

§ 17-302.01 - Taking of wolves for protection of life or property

§ 17-303 - Taking or driving wildlife from closed areas or while trespassing

§ 17-304 - Prohibition by landowner on hunting, fishing, trapping or guiding; trespassing; posting; requirements

§ 17-305 - Possession of other weapons while hunting; violation; classification

§ 17-306 - Importation, transportation, release or possession of live wildlife; violations; classification

§ 17-307 - Possession, storage, sale and gift of the carcass or parts thereof of wildlife

§ 17-308 - Unlawful camping

§ 17-309 - Violations; classification

§ 17-310 - Agreement to appear in court

§ 17-311 - Duty to report shooting accident resulting in injury or death; duty to give assistance; authority of officers

§ 17-312 - Misuse of firearms

§ 17-313 - Disposition of fines, forfeitures and penalties; reports

§ 17-314 - Illegally taking, wounding, killing or possessing wildlife; civil penalty; enforcement

§ 17-315 - Wildlife theft prevention fund; authorized expenditures

§ 17-316 - Interference with rights of hunters; classification; civil action; exceptions

§ 17-317 - Possession and containment of white amur; determination of closed aquatic system

§ 17-318 - Disease assessment and treatment before importing wildlife and transporting big game

§ 17-319 - Big game animals; carcasses; possession and transportation; salvage permit; requirements; violation; classification

§ 17-320 - Jaguar; protection; violations; classification; civil liability; exceptions

§ 17-331 - License or proof of purchase required; violation of child support order

§ 17-332 - Form and content of license; duplicate licenses; transfer of license prohibited; exceptions; refunds; period of validity; definitions

§ 17-333 - License classifications; fees; reduced fee and complimentary licenses; annual report; review

§ 17-333.02 - Trapping license; education; exemption

§ 17-334 - Sale of licenses

§ 17-335 - Blind resident; fishing license exemption

§ 17-335.01 - Lifetime license and benefactor license

§ 17-337 - Hunting and fishing licenses; armed forces members and spouses

§ 17-337.01 - Licenses for enrollees in the job corps

§ 17-338 - Remission of fees from sale of licenses and permits; violation; classification

§ 17-339 - Reports and returns by license dealers; noncompliance; classification

§ 17-340 - Revocation, suspension and denial of privilege of taking wildlife; civil penalty; notice; violation; classification

§ 17-341 - Violation; classification

§ 17-342 - Colorado river special use permit

§ 17-343 - Reciprocal sale of licenses and special use permits

§ 17-344 - Period of validity of special permits

§ 17-345 - Surcharges; purposes

§ 17-346 - Special big game license tags

§ 17-361 - Trappers; licensing; restrictions; duties; reports

§ 17-362 - Guide license; violations; annual report

§ 17-363 - Practice of taxidermy; registration required; rules; register; revocation; suspension; civil penalty

§ 17-364 - Fur dealer's license; records; reports

§ 17-371 - Transportation, possession and sale of wildlife and wildlife parts

§ 17-372 - Shipment by common carrier

§ 17-373 - Storage; exception

§ 17-401 - Definitions

§ 17-402 - Acceptance of federal aid acts

§ 17-403 - Restoration projects

§ 17-404 - Acquisition of lands

§ 17-405 - Acceptance of grants

§ 17-406 - Revolving fund; appropriation; purpose and reimbursement

§ 17-407 - Acquisition of lands by United States for migratory bird conservation

§ 17-421 - Right to conduct fish hatching and culture; limitations

§ 17-451 - Definitions

§ 17-452 - Restrictions on motor vehicle use; recommendations; agreements; rules

§ 17-453 - Notices of restrictions; posting; publication

§ 17-454 - Prohibition against vehicle travel

§ 17-455 - Exceptions

§ 17-456 - Expenditure of funds; source; functions

§ 17-457 - Enforcement of article

§ 17-458 - Violations; classification

§ 17-471 - Wildlife habitat restoration and enhancement fund; commission duties

§ 17-481 - Application of aquatic poisons; analysis; notice; exceptions

§ 17-491 - Livestock loss board; members; terms; compensation; annual report

§ 17-492 - Powers and duties; definition

§ 17-493 - Livestock compensation fund; exemption; definition

§ 17-495 - Definitions

§ 17-495.01 - Property owner confidentiality; disclosure; consent; civil penalty

§ 17-501 - Short title

§ 17-502 - Adoption and text of compact

§ 17-503 - Administration; expenses

§ 17-601 - Definition of outdoor shooting range

§ 17-602 - State outdoor shooting range noise standards; preemption; measurement; definitions

§ 17-603 - Preexisting outdoor shooting ranges; noise buffering or attenuation

§ 17-604 - Nighttime outdoor shooting range operations

§ 17-605 - Noise pollution; nuisance; defense; costs

§ 17-621 - Recording proximity to shooting range; definition