17-268. Game, non-game, fish and endangered species fund
A. A game, non-game, fish and endangered species fund is established to be used by the commission for game, non-game, fish and endangered species purposes. Monies in the fund are subject to annual legislative appropriation pursuant to section 35-143.01.
B. Monies received by this state pursuant to section 43-615 shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the fund.
C. On notice from the commission, the state treasurer shall invest and divest monies in the fund as provided by section 35-313, and notwithstanding section 17-262, monies earned from investment of the game, non-game, fish and endangered species fund shall be credited to the fund.
Structure Arizona Revised Statutes
§ 17-102 - Wildlife as state property; exceptions
§ 17-103 - Duties of county attorneys
§ 17-104 - Duties of peace officers as special game rangers
§ 17-105 - Immunity of witnesses
§ 17-202 - Arizona game and fish commission appointment recommendation board
§ 17-211 - Director; selection; removal; powers and duties; employees
§ 17-212 - Director's seal; authentication of records
§ 17-213 - Prohibition on political activity
§ 17-214 - Arizona game and fish department reserve; members; powers and duties; compensation
§ 17-215 - Fingerprint clearance card; employees; volunteers
§ 17-231 - General powers and duties of the commission
§ 17-232 - Agreements with other states for reciprocal use of licenses
§ 17-233 - Acquisition and disposition of buffalo and buffalo meat
§ 17-234 - Open or closed seasons; bag limits; possession limits
§ 17-236 - Taking birds; possession of raptors
§ 17-237 - Pollution of waters
§ 17-243 - Sale of surplus products of federal aid projects; disposition of proceeds
§ 17-244 - Bulletin; refuge signboards; posted lands
§ 17-246 - Ground leases; installment purchase of facilities
§ 17-247 - Terms of agreements
§ 17-248 - Certification of installment purchase agreements by the attorney general
§ 17-250 - Wildlife diseases; order of director; violation; classification; rule making exemption
§ 17-251 - Possession or use of a firearm silencer or muffler while hunting; definition
§ 17-253 - Mexican gray wolf; memorandum of understanding; reporting
§ 17-255 - Definition of aquatic invasive species
§ 17-255.01 - Aquatic invasive species program; powers
§ 17-255.03 - Violations; civil penalties; classification; cost recovery
§ 17-255.04 - Applicability; no private right of action
§ 17-261.01 - Game and fish revolving fund
§ 17-262 - Investment of surplus funds; earned interest
§ 17-264 - Budget appropriation
§ 17-265 - Game and fish in-lieu fee program restoration endowment trust fund; exemption; definition
§ 17-266 - Construction by employees or force account
§ 17-267 - Land and water conservation and recreation development fund
§ 17-268 - Game, non-game, fish and endangered species fund
§ 17-269 - Game and fish publications revolving fund
§ 17-271 - Wildlife endowment fund
§ 17-272 - Voluntary contributions in lieu of property taxes
§ 17-273 - Firearms safety and ranges fund; uses; criteria
§ 17-274 - Arizona game and fish department fleet vehicle replacement fund
§ 17-275 - Arizona game and fish department fleet operations fund
§ 17-282 - Conservation development fund; purposes
§ 17-283 - Issuance of bonds; negotiability; resolution; notice; tax exemption
§ 17-284 - Pledges; lien; personal liability; incontestability
§ 17-285 - Bonds as legal investments; state nonliability
§ 17-286 - Certification of bonds by attorney general
§ 17-287 - Impairment of bondholder rights; prohibition; inclusion in resolutions and indentures
§ 17-288 - Distributions from the conservation development fund
§ 17-289 - Bond proceeds fund; investment
§ 17-290 - Designation of fiscal agent and trustees; monies of the authority; fees
§ 17-292 - Capital improvement fund
§ 17-293 - Unlawful interest in real property by commission member; violation; classification
§ 17-294 - Annual audit of funds
§ 17-295 - Limitation on bonding
§ 17-297 - Arizona game and fish commission heritage fund
§ 17-298 - Expenditures from fund; purpose and amounts; annual report
§ 17-298.01 - Decennial performance audit
§ 17-299 - Arizona wildlife conservation fund
§ 17-301 - Times when wildlife may be taken; exceptions; methods of taking
§ 17-301.01 - Protection from wildlife
§ 17-302 - Taking of bear or mountain lion for protection of property; report
§ 17-302.01 - Taking of wolves for protection of life or property
§ 17-303 - Taking or driving wildlife from closed areas or while trespassing
§ 17-305 - Possession of other weapons while hunting; violation; classification
§ 17-307 - Possession, storage, sale and gift of the carcass or parts thereof of wildlife
§ 17-309 - Violations; classification
§ 17-310 - Agreement to appear in court
§ 17-313 - Disposition of fines, forfeitures and penalties; reports
§ 17-314 - Illegally taking, wounding, killing or possessing wildlife; civil penalty; enforcement
§ 17-315 - Wildlife theft prevention fund; authorized expenditures
§ 17-316 - Interference with rights of hunters; classification; civil action; exceptions
§ 17-317 - Possession and containment of white amur; determination of closed aquatic system
§ 17-318 - Disease assessment and treatment before importing wildlife and transporting big game
§ 17-320 - Jaguar; protection; violations; classification; civil liability; exceptions
§ 17-331 - License or proof of purchase required; violation of child support order
§ 17-333.02 - Trapping license; education; exemption
§ 17-335 - Blind resident; fishing license exemption
§ 17-335.01 - Lifetime license and benefactor license
§ 17-337 - Hunting and fishing licenses; armed forces members and spouses
§ 17-337.01 - Licenses for enrollees in the job corps
§ 17-338 - Remission of fees from sale of licenses and permits; violation; classification
§ 17-339 - Reports and returns by license dealers; noncompliance; classification
§ 17-341 - Violation; classification
§ 17-342 - Colorado river special use permit
§ 17-343 - Reciprocal sale of licenses and special use permits
§ 17-344 - Period of validity of special permits
§ 17-345 - Surcharges; purposes
§ 17-346 - Special big game license tags
§ 17-361 - Trappers; licensing; restrictions; duties; reports
§ 17-362 - Guide license; violations; annual report
§ 17-364 - Fur dealer's license; records; reports
§ 17-371 - Transportation, possession and sale of wildlife and wildlife parts
§ 17-372 - Shipment by common carrier
§ 17-402 - Acceptance of federal aid acts
§ 17-403 - Restoration projects
§ 17-404 - Acquisition of lands
§ 17-405 - Acceptance of grants
§ 17-406 - Revolving fund; appropriation; purpose and reimbursement
§ 17-407 - Acquisition of lands by United States for migratory bird conservation
§ 17-421 - Right to conduct fish hatching and culture; limitations
§ 17-452 - Restrictions on motor vehicle use; recommendations; agreements; rules
§ 17-453 - Notices of restrictions; posting; publication
§ 17-454 - Prohibition against vehicle travel
§ 17-456 - Expenditure of funds; source; functions
§ 17-457 - Enforcement of article
§ 17-458 - Violations; classification
§ 17-471 - Wildlife habitat restoration and enhancement fund; commission duties
§ 17-481 - Application of aquatic poisons; analysis; notice; exceptions
§ 17-491 - Livestock loss board; members; terms; compensation; annual report
§ 17-492 - Powers and duties; definition
§ 17-493 - Livestock compensation fund; exemption; definition
§ 17-495.01 - Property owner confidentiality; disclosure; consent; civil penalty
§ 17-502 - Adoption and text of compact
§ 17-503 - Administration; expenses
§ 17-601 - Definition of outdoor shooting range
§ 17-602 - State outdoor shooting range noise standards; preemption; measurement; definitions
§ 17-603 - Preexisting outdoor shooting ranges; noise buffering or attenuation
§ 17-604 - Nighttime outdoor shooting range operations
§ 17-605 - Noise pollution; nuisance; defense; costs
§ 17-621 - Recording proximity to shooting range; definition