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Article 1. Rights.
Sec. 47.80.010. Rights of persons with disabilities. - Persons with disabilities have the same legal rights and responsibilities...
Sec. 47.80.020. Protection and advocacy of rights. - The department shall establish a system to protect and advocate...
Article 2. Programs and Plans.
Sec. 47.80.100. Programs for persons with disabilities. - (a) The Department of Health, the Department of Education and...
Sec. 47.80.110. Program principles. - The system of services and facilities required under AS 47.80.100...
Sec. 47.80.120. Habilitation plans. - A state agency, contractor, or grantee who is directly responsible...
Sec. 47.80.130. Powers and duties of the department. - (a) The department shall (1) develop budgets and receive and...
Sec. 47.80.135. Gainful employment of persons with disabilities. - (a) When carrying out duties under AS 47.80.130 related to...
Sec. 47.80.140. Licensing and certificates of need. - (a) A person may not establish or operate a residential...
Sec. 47.80.150. Liability for expense of services. - (a) A person with a disability or the person's legal...
Sec. 47.80.160. Transportation. - When an individual is to be treated under this chapter,...
Sec. 47.80.170. Provision for personal needs upon discharge. - The department shall make arrangements which are necessary to ensure...
Article 3. Teachers Who Teach the Use of Certain Aids or Devices for the Blind or Visually Impaired.
Sec. 47.80.400. Qualifications for teaching the use of certain aids or devices for the blind or visually impaired. - (a) A person who is employed to teach the use...
Article 4. Traumatic or Acquired Brain Injury.
Sec. 47.80.500. Statewide traumatic or acquired brain injury program. - (a) A statewide traumatic or acquired brain injury program is...
Sec. 47.80.529. Definition. - In AS 47.80.500 - 47.80.529, “traumatic or acquired brain injury”...
Article 5. General Provisions.
Sec. 47.80.900. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “council” means the Governor's Council on...