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Sec. 47.90.010. Program established. - (a) The commissioner, in consultation with state and local government...
Sec. 47.90.020. Services provided by centers. - (a) A multipurpose service center for displaced homemakers established under...
Sec. 47.90.030. Employment of displaced homemakers. - The staff positions of multipurpose centers established under AS 47.90.010,...
Sec. 47.90.040. Consultation and cooperation. - The commissioner shall consult and cooperate with the Department of...
Sec. 47.90.050. State employment assistance. - Contractors operating programs under AS 47.90.010 shall, to the maximum...
Sec. 47.90.060. Regulations. - The commissioner may adopt regulations to implement this chapter.
Sec. 47.90.070. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “commissioner” means the commissioner of labor...