A state agency, contractor, or grantee who is directly responsible for providing services to persons with disabilities shall develop an individual habilitation plan for each person whose program of services utilizes state funds. The plan shall be completed in writing and furnished to the department within 30 days of admission of a client to the program of services. The plan, its renewals, and any changes of it shall have the written concurrence of the client, or the client's parent or guardian when appropriate, and the agency or contractor responsible for providing services. The development and content of a plan shall conform to requirements established by the department by regulation. Insofar as practicable, the requirements shall conform to those established for individual habilitation plans under P.L. 91-517 or P.L. 94-103, as amended. Each plan shall be time-limited, evaluated, and renewed at least annually.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 47. Welfare, Social Services, and Institutions
Chapter 80. Persons with Disabilities
Article 2. Programs and Plans.
Sec. 47.80.100. Programs for persons with disabilities.
Sec. 47.80.110. Program principles.
Sec. 47.80.120. Habilitation plans.
Sec. 47.80.130. Powers and duties of the department.
Sec. 47.80.135. Gainful employment of persons with disabilities.
Sec. 47.80.140. Licensing and certificates of need.
Sec. 47.80.150. Liability for expense of services.
Sec. 47.80.160. Transportation.
Sec. 47.80.170. Provision for personal needs upon discharge.