The system of services and facilities required under AS 47.80.100 shall accord with the principles that service providers shall
(1) make services available at times and locations that enable residents of the provider's service area to obtain services readily;
(2) ensure each client's right to confidentiality and treatment with dignity;
(3) establish staffing patterns that reflect the cultural, linguistic, and other social characteristics of the community and that incorporate multidisciplinary professional staff to meet client functional levels and diagnostic and treatment needs;
(4) promote client and family participation in formulating, delivering, and evaluating treatment and rehabilitation;
(5) design treatment and habilitation to maximize individual potential and minimize institutionalization; and
(6) provide services in the least restrictive setting, enabling a person to live as normally as possible within the limitations of the disability.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 47. Welfare, Social Services, and Institutions
Chapter 80. Persons with Disabilities
Article 2. Programs and Plans.
Sec. 47.80.100. Programs for persons with disabilities.
Sec. 47.80.110. Program principles.
Sec. 47.80.120. Habilitation plans.
Sec. 47.80.130. Powers and duties of the department.
Sec. 47.80.135. Gainful employment of persons with disabilities.
Sec. 47.80.140. Licensing and certificates of need.
Sec. 47.80.150. Liability for expense of services.
Sec. 47.80.160. Transportation.
Sec. 47.80.170. Provision for personal needs upon discharge.