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Article 1. Interest.
Sec. 45.45.010. Legal rate of interest; prepayment of interest. - (a) The rate of interest in the state is 10.5...
Sec. 45.45.020. Higher rate of interest prohibited. - A person may not, directly or indirectly, receive in money,...
Sec. 45.45.030. Action for recovery of double amount of usurious interest paid. - If interest greater than that prescribed in AS 45.45.010 and...
Sec. 45.45.040. Usurious rate as working forfeiture of entire interest. - If, in an action brought on a contract, the court...
Sec. 45.45.050. Recovery by assignee of usurious contract of amount paid. - AS 45.45.010 - 45.45.070 do not prevent the bona fide...
Sec. 45.45.060. Contract not usurious because of agreement to pay taxes. - A contract made in the state between borrower and lender,...
Sec. 45.45.070. Enforcement of contracts entered into under AS 45.45.060. - A contract entered into under AS 45.45.060 may be enforced...
Article 2. Collection of Advance Interest.
Sec. 45.45.080. Money lenders may collect interest in advance. - (a) A lender of money may, either upon the security...
Sec. 45.45.090. Applicability of other laws. - No law of this state prescribing or limiting interest rates...
Article 3. Merchandise.
Sec. 45.45.100. Requiring individuals to keep merchandise in full view. - A merchant may request an individual on the merchant's premises...
Sec. 45.45.105. Unsolicited merchandise. - (a) A person may not offer merchandise for sale, in...
Sec. 45.45.110. Definitions. - In AS 45.45.100 and 45.45.105, (1) “merchandise” means personal property...
Article 4. Funerals.
Sec. 45.45.120. Disclosure of costs. - Every person performing or arranging for services or providing merchandise...
Article 5. Regulation of Motor Vehicle Repairs.
Sec. 45.45.130. Repair order. - Upon request of the customer and before the commencement of...
Sec. 45.45.140. Repair price information. - Upon request of the customer and before the commencement of...
Sec. 45.45.150. Notice to customer. - The shop shall post a conspicuously located and easily readable...
Sec. 45.45.160. Charges. - A shop may not charge for making a repair price...
Sec. 45.45.170. Authorization to proceed with repairs. - (a) If the shop has given the customer an estimate...
Sec. 45.45.180. Return of parts. - Parts from a customer's motor vehicle that are replaced by...
Sec. 45.45.190. Invoice. - The shop shall provide every customer, at the time the...
Sec. 45.45.200. Prohibited practices. - (a) A shop may not misrepresent, directly or by implication,...
Sec. 45.45.210. Disclosure of regulation. - The following statement shall be conspicuously printed, either on the...
Sec. 45.45.220. Records. - A shop shall maintain repair records and invoices for parts...
Sec. 45.45.240. Definitions. - In AS 45.45.130 - 45.45.240 (1) “customer” includes a person...
Article 6. Motor Vehicle Warranties.
Sec. 45.45.300. Repairs required. - If a new motor vehicle does not conform to an...
Sec. 45.45.305. Replacement or refund. - If during the term of the express warranty or within...
Sec. 45.45.310. Notice by owner. - In order to claim a refund or replacement under AS...
Sec. 45.45.315. Exceptions. - An owner may not receive a refund or replacement under...
Sec. 45.45.320. Presumption. - A presumption that a reasonable number of attempts have been...
Sec. 45.45.325. Parts availability. - A manufacturer whose vehicles are sold in the state through...
Sec. 45.45.330. Failure to replace or refund. - A manufacturer or distributor who fails to refund the full...
Sec. 45.45.335. Resale without disclosure prohibited. - A motor vehicle returned under AS 45.45.305 may not be...
Sec. 45.45.340. Other rights and remedies. - The provisions of AS 45.45.300 - 45.45.360 do not limit...
Sec. 45.45.345. Repair facilities. - A manufacturer or distributor of motor vehicles who authorizes the...
Sec. 45.45.350. Reimbursement of shipping costs. - A manufacturer or distributor who accepts the return of a...
Sec. 45.45.355. Arbitration or mediation. - If a manufacturer or distributor has established an informal dispute...
Sec. 45.45.360. Definitions. - In AS 45.45.300 - 45.45.360, (1) “dealer” means a person...
Article 7. Used Vehicle Sales in Emission Inspection Areas.
Sec. 45.45.400. Prohibited transfer of used motor vehicles. - (a) A person engaged in the business of selling used...
Article 8. Rental Car Fees.
Sec. 45.45.450. Identification of cost recovery fees. - If a rental car business charges a cost recovery fee,...
Sec. 45.45.455. Vehicle licensing cost recovery fee. - (a) A rental car business may not charge a renter...
Sec. 45.45.459. Definitions. - In AS 45.45.450 - 45.45.459, (1) “car” means a motor...
Article 9. Copyright Royalties and Licensing.
Sec. 45.45.500. Notice required before contract. - A copyright owner or a performing rights society may not...
Sec. 45.45.510. Minimum contents of royalties contracts. - (a) A royalties contract entered into, issued, or renewed in...
Sec. 45.45.520. Collection of royalties. - A copyright owner, a performing rights society, or an agent...
Sec. 45.45.530. Prohibited practices. - (a) A performing rights society, or an agent or employee...
Sec. 45.45.550. Private action. - A person who suffers a loss as a result of...
Sec. 45.45.560. Exemptions. - The provisions of AS 45.45.500 - 45.45.590 do not apply...
Sec. 45.45.570. Construction. - AS 45.45.500 - 45.45.590 may not be construed to prevent...
Sec. 45.45.590. Definitions. - In AS 45.45.500 - 45.45.590, (1) [See delayed amendment note.]...
Article 10. Warranties For Assistive Technology Devices and Mobility Aids.
Sec. 45.45.600. Express warranty required. - A manufacturer who sells an assistive technology device or a...
Sec. 45.45.610. Repairs of nonconformities. - If a new assistive technology device or mobility aid does...
Sec. 45.45.620. Returns of nonrepairable goods; refunds. - If, after a reasonable attempt to repair, the nonconformity reported...
Sec. 45.45.630. Procedures for returns and refunds. - (a) To receive a comparable new assistive technology device or...
Sec. 45.45.640. Lease unenforceable after refund. - A person may not enforce the lease for an assistive...
Sec. 45.45.650. Limits on sale or lease of returned equipment. - An assistive technology device or mobility aid returned by a...
Sec. 45.45.660. Rights may not be waived. - A waiver by a consumer of rights under AS 45.45.600...
Sec. 45.45.670. No limitation of other rights. - AS 45.45.600 - 45.45.690 do not limit rights or remedies...
Sec. 45.45.680. Action for damages authorized. - In addition to pursuing another remedy, a consumer may bring...
Sec. 45.45.690. Definitions. - In AS 45.45.600 - 45.45.690, (1) “assistive technology device” means...
Article 11. Distributorships.
Sec. 45.45.700. Coercion of dealer. - (a) A distributor may not coerce or attempt to coerce...
Sec. 45.45.710. Disposition of merchandise remaining upon contract termination. - (a) If a dealer maintains a stock of merchandise supplied...
Sec. 45.45.720. Time for payment. - A distributor shall make the payments to the dealer under...
Sec. 45.45.730. Death or disability of dealer or holder of majority interest in dealer. - Unless the distributorship agreement is continued by the personal representative,...
Sec. 45.45.740. Required purchase, reimbursement, and supplies. - (a) In addition to any purchase of merchandise required by...
Sec. 45.45.750. Prohibited terms. - (a) A distributor may not require a dealer to agree...
Sec. 45.45.760. Civil action. - (a) A dealer may bring an action in court against...
Sec. 45.45.770. Exemptions. - (a) AS 45.45.700 - 45.45.790 do not apply to (1)...
Sec. 45.45.790. Definitions. - In AS 45.45.700 - 45.45.790, (1) “dealer” means a person...
Article 12. Deceptive Acts or Practices Relating to Spyware.
Sec. 45.45.792. Prohibited conduct relating to spyware. - (a) It is unlawful for a person who is not...
Sec. 45.45.794. Removal of potentially harmful software. - Notwithstanding AS 45.45.792, a provider of computer software or an...
Sec. 45.45.798. Definitions. - In AS 45.45.792 - 45.45.798, (1) “interactive computer service” means...
Article 13. Miscellaneous Provisions.
Sec. 45.45.900. Indemnification agreements against public policy. - A provision, clause, covenant, or agreement contained in, collateral to,...
Sec. 45.45.905. Transportation services contracts; indemnification agreements prohibited. - (a) A motor carrier and a shipping person may not,...
Sec. 45.45.910. Sale or transfer of consumer electrical products. - (a) Unless exempted by the department under (d) of this...
Sec. 45.45.920. Free trial period. - (a) Notwithstanding a provision in AS 45.02 to the contrary,...
Sec. 45.45.930. Opt-out marketing plans. - (a) Notwithstanding a provision in AS 45.02 to the contrary,...