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Sec. 45.45.010. Legal rate of interest; prepayment of interest. - (a) The rate of interest in the state is 10.5...
Sec. 45.45.020. Higher rate of interest prohibited. - A person may not, directly or indirectly, receive in money,...
Sec. 45.45.030. Action for recovery of double amount of usurious interest paid. - If interest greater than that prescribed in AS 45.45.010 and...
Sec. 45.45.040. Usurious rate as working forfeiture of entire interest. - If, in an action brought on a contract, the court...
Sec. 45.45.050. Recovery by assignee of usurious contract of amount paid. - AS 45.45.010 - 45.45.070 do not prevent the bona fide...
Sec. 45.45.060. Contract not usurious because of agreement to pay taxes. - A contract made in the state between borrower and lender,...
Sec. 45.45.070. Enforcement of contracts entered into under AS 45.45.060. - A contract entered into under AS 45.45.060 may be enforced...