Alaska Statutes
Article 4. Funerals.
Sec. 45.45.120. Disclosure of costs.

Every person performing or arranging for services or providing merchandise relating to the disposition of a dead human body shall give to the person arranging for the disposition at the time the arrangements are completed and before the time of rendering the service or providing the merchandise a written statement showing, to the extent then reasonably ascertainable,
(1) the price and what is included with specific prices for at least each of the following:
(A) transfer of remains to funeral home;
(B) embalming;
(C) use of facilities for viewing;
(D) use of facilities for funeral service;
(E) caskets, with a notation that a separate casket price list will be provided before any sales presentation for caskets is made;
(F) hearse;
(G) limousine;
(H) services of funeral director and staff;
(I) outer interment receptacles; if outer interment receptacles are sold, a notation that a separate outer interment receptacle price list will be provided before any sales presentation for such items is made;
(2) the price of each supplemental item of service or merchandise;
(3) the amount involved for each of the items for which money will be advanced; an item for which money is advanced shall be charged in the same amount as the cost to the person making the advance;
(4) the method of payment;
(5) the fee for counseling, consulting, or arranging for future services relating to the disposition of a dead human body.