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Sec. 45.45.600. Express warranty required. - A manufacturer who sells an assistive technology device or a...
Sec. 45.45.610. Repairs of nonconformities. - If a new assistive technology device or mobility aid does...
Sec. 45.45.620. Returns of nonrepairable goods; refunds. - If, after a reasonable attempt to repair, the nonconformity reported...
Sec. 45.45.630. Procedures for returns and refunds. - (a) To receive a comparable new assistive technology device or...
Sec. 45.45.640. Lease unenforceable after refund. - A person may not enforce the lease for an assistive...
Sec. 45.45.650. Limits on sale or lease of returned equipment. - An assistive technology device or mobility aid returned by a...
Sec. 45.45.660. Rights may not be waived. - A waiver by a consumer of rights under AS 45.45.600...
Sec. 45.45.670. No limitation of other rights. - AS 45.45.600 - 45.45.690 do not limit rights or remedies...
Sec. 45.45.680. Action for damages authorized. - In addition to pursuing another remedy, a consumer may bring...
Sec. 45.45.690. Definitions. - In AS 45.45.600 - 45.45.690, (1) “assistive technology device” means...