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Article 1. Establishment, Organization, and Programs of the University of Alaska.
Sec. 14.40.010. University of Alaska. - The University of Alaska consists of the College of Agriculture,...
Sec. 14.40.020. Site of university. - The University of Alaska is the beneficiary under the provisions...
Sec. 14.40.030. Transfer of powers, duties, and obligations of Agricultural College and School of Mines under Acts of Congress. - All powers, duties, and obligations devolving upon the Alaska Agricultural...
Sec. 14.40.040. General powers and duties of the university. - (a) There is created and established a corporation to be...
Sec. 14.40.043. University of Alaska office of public safety. - The Board of Regents may establish an office of public...
Sec. 14.40.045. Religious or partisan instruction, tests, and appointments. - No instruction either sectarian in religion or partisan in politics...
Sec. 14.40.050. Discrimination because of sex, color, or nationality prohibited. - A person may not be deprived of the privileges of...
Sec. 14.40.055. Educational expansion program. - To expand educational and cultural opportunities in the state, to...
Sec. 14.40.057. Extension of compliance acts. - Laws of the state designed to meet requirements of the...
Sec. 14.40.060. University curriculum. - The University of Alaska shall use the property and funds...
Sec. 14.40.065. Student practicums immunity. - A person is not considered to be an employer of...
Sec. 14.40.070. Collection of fossil remains authorized. - The University of Alaska may collect and store the bones...
Sec. 14.40.075. Alaska Earthquake and Volcanic Hazards Assessment Project; state seismologist. - (a) The University of Alaska shall establish an Alaska Earthquake...
Sec. 14.40.080. Establishment of Institute of Marine Sciences. - The University of Alaska may establish an Institute of Marine...
Sec. 14.40.082. Unmanned aircraft system training. - The University of Alaska may establish a training program in...
Sec. 14.40.085. Alaska State Climate Center; state climatologist. - (a) The University of Alaska shall establish an Alaska State...
Sec. 14.40.088. Establishment of Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies. - (a) The University of Alaska shall establish an Institute for...
Sec. 14.40.090. Correspondence courses for prospectors and miners. - (a) The University of Alaska shall establish and offer to...
Sec. 14.40.095. Establishment of a Center for Information Technology at University of Alaska Anchorage. - (a) The University of Alaska may establish a Center for...
Sec. 14.40.100. College extension service. - The Board of Regents may conduct a college extension service,...
Sec. 14.40.110. Establishment of Business, Economics, and Public Administration Research Program. - The University of Alaska may establish a Business, Economics, and...
Sec. 14.40.115. Establishment of Mineral Industry Research Program. - The University of Alaska shall establish a Mineral Industry Research...
Sec. 14.40.117. Establishment of Alaska Native Language Center. - The University of Alaska shall establish an Alaska Native Language...
Article 2. Board of Regents and President of the University of Alaska.
Sec. 14.40.120. University governed by Board of Regents. - The University of Alaska shall be governed by a Board...
Sec. 14.40.130. Qualifications of regents; special provisions relating to student regent. - (a) Each regent shall be a citizen of the United...
Sec. 14.40.140. Term of office. - Except for a student regent as specified in AS 14.40.150(b),...
Sec. 14.40.150. Appointment of regents. - (a) The governor shall appoint the regents subject to confirmation...
Sec. 14.40.155. Suspension and removal of regents. - (a) The governor may, after providing notice and an opportunity...
Sec. 14.40.160. Board meetings public; meeting notice; public facilities. - (a) The provisions of AS 44.62.310 apply to meetings of...
Sec. 14.40.170. Duties and powers of Board of Regents. - (a) The Board of Regents shall (1) appoint the president...
Sec. 14.40.175. Indemnification. - The Board of Regents shall insure or indemnify and protect...
Sec. 14.40.190. Report. - (a) The Board of Regents shall prepare a written report...
Sec. 14.40.200. Quorum. - Corporate business may not be transacted at any meeting of...
Sec. 14.40.210. Powers and duties of president of the university; research and development. - (a) The president of the University of Alaska may (1)...
Sec. 14.40.220. Duty of president to define duties and supervise appointees. - The president shall define the duties and supervise the performance...
Sec. 14.40.230. Powers of regents to remove officers. - The Board of Regents may remove from office any officer...
Sec. 14.40.240. Power of president to suspend and expel students. - The power to suspend and expel a student for misconduct...
Article 3. Property and Funds of the University of Alaska.
Sec. 14.40.250. Regents to act as trustees and administer money or property. - The Board of Regents may receive, manage, and invest money...
Sec. 14.40.251. Default on tuition, fees, and charges. - (a) For the purposes of this chapter, tuition, a fee,...
Sec. 14.40.253. Financing notice and approval. - If the University of Alaska intends to enter into an...
Sec. 14.40.254. University revenue bonds. - (a) Subject to AS 14.40.253, the board may issue revenue...
Sec. 14.40.255. Investment of surplus money. - If the Board of Regents determines that there is a...
Sec. 14.40.257. Reimbursement for costs of capital projects. - (a) Subject to appropriations for the purpose, during each fiscal...
Sec. 14.40.280. Endowments and donations. - (a) Title to and control or possession of land, personal...
Sec. 14.40.282. Endowment for the physical sciences. - (a) The Board of Regents shall establish an endowment for...
Sec. 14.40.290. Property and funds generally. - (a) Federal grants and appropriations paid to the commissioner of...
Sec. 14.40.291. Land of the University of Alaska not public domain land. - (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, university-grant land, state...
Sec. 14.40.296. Working capital reserve fund. - (a) There is established in the treasury of the University...
Sec. 14.40.300. Creation and appointment of comptroller. - The Board of Regents shall create the office of comptroller...
Sec. 14.40.310. Fiscal year. - The fiscal year of the University of Alaska begins on...
Sec. 14.40.325. Reallocation within state appropriations. - Notwithstanding the provisions of AS 37.07.080(e), each appropriation to the...
Sec. 14.40.330. Inventory of property. - The Board of Regents shall maintain or cause to be...
Sec. 14.40.350. Board of Regents authorized to lease land. - The Board of Regents may execute leases for mining, agriculture,...
Sec. 14.40.360. Board of Regents authorized to select and to sell or lease land granted by Act of Congress. - The Board of Regents may select the land granted to...
Sec. 14.40.365. University land grant. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, before...
Sec. 14.40.366. Management requirements for university land. - (a) Before the conveyance or the disposal of an interest...
Sec. 14.40.367. Confidential records relating to university land and interests in land. - Notwithstanding AS 40.25.100 - 40.25.295, on a determination that it...
Sec. 14.40.380. Assent of legislature to federal land and money grants. - The state assents to the provisions and accepts the benefits...
Sec. 14.40.390. Federal land grants to Agricultural College and School of Mines reaccepted for university. - The state assents to the provisions and accepts the benefits...
Sec. 14.40.400. Fund for money from sale or lease of land granted by Act of Congress. - (a) The Board of Regents shall establish a separate endowment...
Sec. 14.40.410. Federal grants of money to establish agricultural experiment stations. - The state assents to the provisions and accepts the benefits...
Sec. 14.40.420. University designated as beneficiary under Hatch Act and empowered to establish Agricultural Experiment Station. - The University of Alaska is designated as the beneficiary under...
Sec. 14.40.430. Acceptance of federal appropriation for agricultural extension work. - The state assents to the provisions and accepts the benefits...
Sec. 14.40.440. University designated beneficiary of Smith-Lever Act and empowered to carry on agricultural extension work. - The University of Alaska is designated as the beneficiary under...
Sec. 14.40.450. Governor authorized to make certificates to obtain federal grants of money. - The governor is authorized to make all certificates required by...
Sec. 14.40.453. Confidentiality of research. - The public records inspection requirements of AS 40.25.110 - 40.25.121...
Sec. 14.40.458. University corporate interests. - (a) The university may purchase an interest in a corporation...
Sec. 14.40.461. University research forest. - (a) For the purpose of advancing research into forest practices,...
Sec. 14.40.491. Definition of university receipts. - In AS 14.40.120 - 14.40.491, “university receipts” includes (1) student...
Article 4. Community Colleges.
Sec. 14.40.560. Authority to cooperate. - A qualified school district or political subdivision may make an...
Sec. 14.40.570. Authority of board. - (a) Since academic education beyond the high school level is...
Sec. 14.40.580. Use of joint facilities. - (a) If facilities used by the community college are owned...
Sec. 14.40.590. Director. - The administrative head of a community college established by the...
Sec. 14.40.600. Regulations. - A community college established by the university in cooperation with...
Sec. 14.40.610. Disposition of income. - (a) [Repealed, § 12 ch 42 SLA 1997.] (b) All...
Sec. 14.40.620. Savings clause. - An agreement between the University of Alaska and a community...
Sec. 14.40.630. Definitions. - In AS 14.40.560 - 14.40.640, unless the context otherwise requires,...
Sec. 14.40.640. Short title. - AS 14.40.560 - 14.40.640 may be cited as the Community...
Article 5. University Retirement Programs.
Sec. 14.40.661. Authority of board. - (a) The board may establish and maintain university retirement programs...
Sec. 14.40.671. Participation. - (a) An employee in a participating position may elect to...
Sec. 14.40.681. Retirement system membership. - An employee participating in a university retirement program may not...
Sec. 14.40.691. Contributions. - (a) The university shall contribute on behalf of each employee...
Sec. 14.40.701. Benefits. - Payment of benefits to participants of the program is the...
Sec. 14.40.799. Definitions. - In AS 14.40.661 - 14.40.799, (1) “appropriate state retirement system”...
Article 6. Education Trust of Alaska.
Sec. 14.40.802. Education Trust of Alaska. - (a) The Education Trust of Alaska is established in the...
Sec. 14.40.803. Alaska advance college tuition savings fund. - (a) The Alaska advance college tuition savings fund is established...
Sec. 14.40.807. Contribution to the Alaska Advance College Tuition Savings Fund. - (a) Contributions to the fund under the terms of an...
Sec. 14.40.809. Powers and duties of the University of Alaska. - (a) The Board of Regents of the University of Alaska...
Sec. 14.40.811. Advance college tuition savings contracts. - (a) An advance college tuition savings contract must set out...
Sec. 14.40.817. Definitions. - In AS 14.40.803 - 14.40.817, (1) “advance college tuition savings...