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Sec. 14.40.120. University governed by Board of Regents. - The University of Alaska shall be governed by a Board...
Sec. 14.40.130. Qualifications of regents; special provisions relating to student regent. - (a) Each regent shall be a citizen of the United...
Sec. 14.40.140. Term of office. - Except for a student regent as specified in AS 14.40.150(b),...
Sec. 14.40.150. Appointment of regents. - (a) The governor shall appoint the regents subject to confirmation...
Sec. 14.40.155. Suspension and removal of regents. - (a) The governor may, after providing notice and an opportunity...
Sec. 14.40.160. Board meetings public; meeting notice; public facilities. - (a) The provisions of AS 44.62.310 apply to meetings of...
Sec. 14.40.170. Duties and powers of Board of Regents. - (a) The Board of Regents shall (1) appoint the president...
Sec. 14.40.175. Indemnification. - The Board of Regents shall insure or indemnify and protect...
Sec. 14.40.190. Report. - (a) The Board of Regents shall prepare a written report...
Sec. 14.40.200. Quorum. - Corporate business may not be transacted at any meeting of...
Sec. 14.40.210. Powers and duties of president of the university; research and development. - (a) The president of the University of Alaska may (1)...
Sec. 14.40.220. Duty of president to define duties and supervise appointees. - The president shall define the duties and supervise the performance...
Sec. 14.40.230. Powers of regents to remove officers. - The Board of Regents may remove from office any officer...
Sec. 14.40.240. Power of president to suspend and expel students. - The power to suspend and expel a student for misconduct...