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Sec. 14.40.010. University of Alaska. - The University of Alaska consists of the College of Agriculture,...
Sec. 14.40.020. Site of university. - The University of Alaska is the beneficiary under the provisions...
Sec. 14.40.030. Transfer of powers, duties, and obligations of Agricultural College and School of Mines under Acts of Congress. - All powers, duties, and obligations devolving upon the Alaska Agricultural...
Sec. 14.40.040. General powers and duties of the university. - (a) There is created and established a corporation to be...
Sec. 14.40.043. University of Alaska office of public safety. - The Board of Regents may establish an office of public...
Sec. 14.40.045. Religious or partisan instruction, tests, and appointments. - No instruction either sectarian in religion or partisan in politics...
Sec. 14.40.050. Discrimination because of sex, color, or nationality prohibited. - A person may not be deprived of the privileges of...
Sec. 14.40.055. Educational expansion program. - To expand educational and cultural opportunities in the state, to...
Sec. 14.40.057. Extension of compliance acts. - Laws of the state designed to meet requirements of the...
Sec. 14.40.060. University curriculum. - The University of Alaska shall use the property and funds...
Sec. 14.40.065. Student practicums immunity. - A person is not considered to be an employer of...
Sec. 14.40.070. Collection of fossil remains authorized. - The University of Alaska may collect and store the bones...
Sec. 14.40.075. Alaska Earthquake and Volcanic Hazards Assessment Project; state seismologist. - (a) The University of Alaska shall establish an Alaska Earthquake...
Sec. 14.40.080. Establishment of Institute of Marine Sciences. - The University of Alaska may establish an Institute of Marine...
Sec. 14.40.082. Unmanned aircraft system training. - The University of Alaska may establish a training program in...
Sec. 14.40.085. Alaska State Climate Center; state climatologist. - (a) The University of Alaska shall establish an Alaska State...
Sec. 14.40.088. Establishment of Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies. - (a) The University of Alaska shall establish an Institute for...
Sec. 14.40.090. Correspondence courses for prospectors and miners. - (a) The University of Alaska shall establish and offer to...
Sec. 14.40.095. Establishment of a Center for Information Technology at University of Alaska Anchorage. - (a) The University of Alaska may establish a Center for...
Sec. 14.40.100. College extension service. - The Board of Regents may conduct a college extension service,...
Sec. 14.40.110. Establishment of Business, Economics, and Public Administration Research Program. - The University of Alaska may establish a Business, Economics, and...
Sec. 14.40.115. Establishment of Mineral Industry Research Program. - The University of Alaska shall establish a Mineral Industry Research...
Sec. 14.40.117. Establishment of Alaska Native Language Center. - The University of Alaska shall establish an Alaska Native Language...