(a) The University of Alaska shall establish an Alaska State Climate Center within an appropriate unit of the university. The administration and management of the center is under the direction of a university employee designated the “state climatologist.”
(b) The Alaska State Climate Center shall
(1) prepare and update on a biennial basis a plan for the systematic acquisition and dissemination of climate-related information; the plan must include
(A) an assessment of weather and climate information needs in Alaska;
(B) a reasonable basis for setting priorities among these needs; and
(C) a program for coordinating the activities of all available sources of weather- and climate-related information sources in order to meet the highest priority needs and to carry out the provisions of this section;
(2) establish a state climate planning advisory group composed of at least three members from organizations that provide climate-related information, and at least three members from organizations that use climate-related information on a regular basis or from the general public;
(3) solicit and consider the advice and recommendations of the state climate planning advisory group in preparing and updating the biennial plan for acquisition and dissemination of climate-related information;
(4) operate and maintain a central repository and archive for reports, books, maps, and other records, and publications relating to weather and climatological information;
(5) provide for public access to weather and climatological information and technical advisory services; and
(6) enter into cooperative agreements, on behalf of the state and the university, in order to achieve intergovernmental climate program participation by the United States and the state; these agreements must be consistent with the provisions of 15 U.S.C. 2901 - 2908 (National Climate Program Act).
(c) The Alaska State Climate Center may
(1) investigate, describe, and interpret the characteristics of the weather and climate of the state, including their hazards and limitations;
(2) coordinate with state and federal agencies in matters concerning weather data acquisition, collection, integration, and storage;
(3) monitor federal weather-related activities to assure that the interests of the state are being served;
(4) conduct research activities on the availability of solar, wind, and water resources that assess the impact of climate fluctuations on these resources;
(5) publish bulletins, circulars, maps, or reports of the results of all research and investigations undertaken by the climate center, and distribute them to state agencies, government officials, industry, and the public;
(6) provide lectures, talks, displays, and exhibits on the climate of the state for the general education of the public; and
(7) enter into cooperative arrangements with local, state, and federal government agencies; foundations; universities; businesses; and other organizations engaged in climate-related research and services.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 14. Education, Libraries, and Museums
Chapter 40. The University of Alaska and the Community Colleges
Article 1. Establishment, Organization, and Programs of the University of Alaska.
Sec. 14.40.010. University of Alaska.
Sec. 14.40.020. Site of university.
Sec. 14.40.040. General powers and duties of the university.
Sec. 14.40.043. University of Alaska office of public safety.
Sec. 14.40.045. Religious or partisan instruction, tests, and appointments.
Sec. 14.40.050. Discrimination because of sex, color, or nationality prohibited.
Sec. 14.40.055. Educational expansion program.
Sec. 14.40.057. Extension of compliance acts.
Sec. 14.40.060. University curriculum.
Sec. 14.40.065. Student practicums immunity.
Sec. 14.40.070. Collection of fossil remains authorized.
Sec. 14.40.075. Alaska Earthquake and Volcanic Hazards Assessment Project; state seismologist.
Sec. 14.40.080. Establishment of Institute of Marine Sciences.
Sec. 14.40.082. Unmanned aircraft system training.
Sec. 14.40.085. Alaska State Climate Center; state climatologist.
Sec. 14.40.088. Establishment of Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies.
Sec. 14.40.090. Correspondence courses for prospectors and miners.
Sec. 14.40.100. College extension service.
Sec. 14.40.110. Establishment of Business, Economics, and Public Administration Research Program.
Sec. 14.40.115. Establishment of Mineral Industry Research Program.
Sec. 14.40.117. Establishment of Alaska Native Language Center.