Alaska Statutes
Chapter 32. Centralized Licensing and Related Administrative Procedures
Sec. 47.32.120. Report.

(a) Within 10 working days after completing an investigation or inspection under AS 47.32.090 - 47.32.110, the department that conducted the investigation or inspection shall prepare a report of the results of the investigation or inspection and mail a copy of the report to the entity. The report shall include a description of
(1) any violation, including a citation to each statute or regulation that has been violated; and
(2) any enforcement action the department intends to take under AS 47.32.130 or 47.32.140.
(b) An entity that receives a copy of a report under this section may submit a written response to the report to the department that prepared the report. The applicable department may require an entity to submit a response to a report received under this section.
(c) Within 14 days after the entity receives a copy of the report under this section, upon request of the complainant, the department that prepared the report shall provide a copy of the report to the complainant.