Alaska Statutes
Chapter 32. Centralized Licensing and Related Administrative Procedures
Sec. 47.32.110. Right of access and inspection.

(a) A designated agent or employee of a department with licensing authority under AS 47.32.010 shall have right of access to an entity within that department's licensing authority
(1) to determine whether an application for licensure or renewal is appropriate;
(2) to conduct a complaint investigation;
(3) to conduct a standard inspection;
(4) to inspect documents, including personnel records, accounts, the building, or the premises;
(5) to interview staff or residents; or
(6) if the department with licensing authority for that entity has reasonable cause to believe that the entity is operating in violation of this chapter or the regulations adopted under this chapter.
(b) If an entity denies access to an agent or employee of the department with licensing authority for that entity under AS 47.32.010, the department may petition the court for an order permitting access, or the department may seek to revoke the entity's license under AS 47.32.140.
(c) Upon petition of the department with licensing authority for the entity under AS 47.32.010 and after a hearing held upon reasonable notice to the entity, the court shall issue an order to an officer or employee of that department authorizing the officer or employee to enter for any of the purposes described in (a) of this section.