Alaska Statutes
Chapter 32. Centralized Licensing and Related Administrative Procedures
Sec. 47.32.030. Powers of the Department of Health and the Department of Family and Community Services; delegation to municipality.

(a) For each entity over which it has licensing authority under AS 47.32.010, the applicable department may
(1) administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter;
(2) coordinate and develop policies, programs, and planning related to licensure and operation of entities listed in AS 47.32.010(b) or (c) as defined by regulation;
(3) adopt regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter, including regulations that
(A) establish fees for licensing of each type of entity listed in AS 47.32.010(b) or (c);
(B) impose requirements for licensure, including standards for license renewal, that are in addition to the requirements of this chapter or of any other applicable state or federal statute or regulation;
(C) impose requirements and standards on licensed entities that are in addition to those imposed by this chapter or by any other applicable state or federal statute or regulation, including
(i) requirements and standards necessary for an entity or the state to receive money from the applicable department from any source, including federal money;
(ii) record-keeping requirements;
(iii) reporting requirements; and
(iv) requirements and standards regarding health, safety, and sanitation;
(D) provide for waivers, variances, and exemptions from the requirements of this chapter, including the requirement to obtain a license, if the applicable department finds it necessary for the efficient administration of this chapter; and
(E) establish requirements for the operation of entities licensed by the applicable department under this chapter;
(4) investigate
(A) entities described in AS 47.32.010(b) or (c);
(B) applicants for licensure, including individuals named in an application; and
(C) other persons that the applicable department has reason to believe are operating an entity required to be licensed under this chapter, or are residing or working in an entity for which licensure has been sought under this chapter; this subparagraph does not apply to persons receiving services from an entity for which licensure has been sought under this chapter;
(5) inspect and monitor licensed entities for compliance with this chapter, regulations adopted under this chapter, and any other applicable statutes or regulations;
(6) enter into contracts and agreements necessary to carry out the functions, powers, and duties of the applicable department under this chapter;
(7) enter into agreements with private entities, municipalities, and individuals to investigate and make recommendations to the applicable department regarding the licensure and monitoring of entities under this chapter;
(8) require an individual who is or will be operating an entity to complete training related to the operation of the entity;
(9) waive the application requirements for an entity seeking licensure if the entity submits documentation to the applicable department verifying that it
(A) has a license issued by an organization or other agency that has licensing authority under state or federal law if the standards for that licensure are approved by the applicable department under this chapter or regulations adopted under this chapter;
(B) has accreditation from a nationally recognized organization if the standards for that accreditation are equal to or more stringent than the standards for licensure under this chapter or regulations adopted under this chapter; or
(C) is an entity that federal law does not require to be licensed.
(b) The Department of Health shall delegate the department's authority to regulate child care facilities to a municipality that has adopted an ordinance providing for child care licensing under home rule powers under AS 29.10.010 or as authorized under AS 29.35.200 - 29.35.210. The Department of Health shall make the delegation described in this subsection within 90 days after receiving a written request from the municipality to delegate the authority. A municipality receiving a delegation under this subsection may adopt additional requirements for child care facilities operating within the boundaries of the municipality if the requirements meet or exceed the requirements under state law.
(c) The issuance of a license by the applicable department does not obligate the applicable department to place or maintain an individual in an entity or through an entity, or to provide financial support to an entity.
(d) The Department of Health may not require a licensed entity to increase services for the sole purpose of accommodating a physician's practice of prescribing, dispensing, or administering an investigational drug, biological product, or device, or providing related treatment, to a patient. In this subsection, “investigational drug, biological product, or device” has the meaning given in AS 08.64.367.