(a) A member of the commission appointed by the governor serves for a term of four years or until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
(b) A member of the commission appointed from the legislature serves for the person's term of office as a legislator or until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
(c) Except as provided in (b) of this section, a member of the commission appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives or president of the senate serves for four years or until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 37. Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Areas in Alaska
Sec. 41.37.160. Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Management Areas in Alaska.
Sec. 41.37.170. Membership and officers.
Sec. 41.37.180. Qualifications of members.
Sec. 41.37.190. Term of members of the commission.
Sec. 41.37.200. Compensation, expenses, and per diem.
Sec. 41.37.210. Staff of the commission.
Sec. 41.37.220. Duties of the commission.
Sec. 41.37.230. Advisory groups of the commission.