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Sec. 41.37.160. Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Management Areas in Alaska. - The Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Management Areas in Alaska...
Sec. 41.37.170. Membership and officers. - (a) The commission is composed of 12 members appointed in...
Sec. 41.37.180. Qualifications of members. - The members of the commission appointed by the governor under...
Sec. 41.37.190. Term of members of the commission. - (a) A member of the commission appointed by the governor...
Sec. 41.37.200. Compensation, expenses, and per diem. - (a) A member of the commission who is a legislator...
Sec. 41.37.210. Staff of the commission. - The commission may employ staff and contract for services relating...
Sec. 41.37.220. Duties of the commission. - (a) The commission shall consider, research, and hold hearings on...
Sec. 41.37.230. Advisory groups of the commission. - (a) The commission may establish advisory groups in the state....
Sec. 41.37.240. Suit. - The commission may request the attorney general to file suit...
Sec. 41.37.250. Agency cooperation. - Each state department, agency, board, and commission shall cooperate with...
Sec. 41.37.260. Definition. - In this chapter, “commission” means the Citizens' Advisory Commission on...