The members of the commission appointed by the governor under AS 41.37.170(c) and members appointed under AS 41.37.170(d) and (e) who are not members of the legislature shall be representative of the diversity of users and uses of federal land in the state.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 37. Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Areas in Alaska
Sec. 41.37.160. Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Management Areas in Alaska.
Sec. 41.37.170. Membership and officers.
Sec. 41.37.180. Qualifications of members.
Sec. 41.37.190. Term of members of the commission.
Sec. 41.37.200. Compensation, expenses, and per diem.
Sec. 41.37.210. Staff of the commission.
Sec. 41.37.220. Duties of the commission.
Sec. 41.37.230. Advisory groups of the commission.