Alaska Statutes
Article 1. Public Use Areas.
Sec. 41.23.286. Jonesville Public Use Area.

Subject to valid existing rights, the vacant and unappropriated state-owned land and water and the state land and water acquired in the future that lie within the following boundaries described in this section are designated as the Jonesville Public Use Area, are reserved for all uses compatible with their primary function as public use land, and are assigned to the department for control and management:
(1) Township 19 North, Range 2 East, Seward Meridian
Section 1: That portion easterly of Moose Creek
Section 12: That portion of N1/2, N1/2SW1/4, and N1/2SE1/4 easterly of Moose Creek
Section 13: NE1/4, SE1/4NW1/4, and S1/2
Section 24: All;
(2) Township 19 North, Range 3 East, Seward Meridian
Section 2: All
Section 3: All Section 4: All
Section 5: All
Section 6: All
Section 7: All
Section 8: All
Section 9: All
Section 10: All
Section 11: All
Section 14: NE1/4
Section 15: N1/2NE1/4 and the North 960 feet of the East 1,815 feet of the NW1/4 for each Record of Survey filed as 86-85RS P.R.D.
Section 16: All
Section 17: All
Section 18: All
Section 19: NE1/4, E1/2NW1/4, NE1/4SW1/4, NW1/4SE1/4, and Government Lots 1, 2, and 4
Section 20: N1/2NE1/4, N1/2NW1/4, and SW1/4NW1/4;
(3) Township 20 North, Range 2 East, Seward Meridian
Section 36: That portion easterly of Moose Creek;
(4) Township 20 North, Range 3 East, Seward Meridian
Section 31: All
Section 32: All
Section 33: All
Section 34: All
Section 35: All.