(a) The commissioner is responsible for the management of the land and mineral estate within the Knik River Public Use Area consistent with the purposes of AS 41.23.180. After adequate public hearings, the commissioner may designate incompatible uses and shall adopt and may revise a management plan for the Knik River Public Use Area. The management plan must include provisions for the enforcement of the plan and compliance with the requirements of the plan.
(b) The commissioner of fish and game, the Board of Fisheries, and the Board of Game are responsible for the management of fish and game resources and public use of fish and wildlife in the Knik River Public Use Area consistent with the purposes of AS 41.23.180.
(c) The Knik River Public Use Area may not be managed as a unit of the state park system.
(d) The commissioner shall identify wetland areas within the Knik River Public Use Area and provide for the protection and use of the wetland areas in the management plan.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 23. Multiple Use Management of Public Resources
Sec. 41.23.010. Purpose of AS 41.23.010 - 41.23.040.
Sec. 41.23.030. Incompatible uses.
Sec. 41.23.040. Nelchina Public Use Area.
Sec. 41.23.050. Purpose of AS 41.23.050 - 41.23.080.
Sec. 41.23.070. Incompatible uses.
Sec. 41.23.080. Ernie Haugen Public Use Area.
Sec. 41.23.100. Purpose of AS 41.23.100 - 41.23.130.
Sec. 41.23.120. Incompatible uses.
Sec. 41.23.130. Hatcher Pass Public Use Area.
Sec. 41.23.140. Purpose of AS 41.23.140 - 41.23.170.
Sec. 41.23.160. Incompatible uses.
Sec. 41.23.170. Goldstream Public Use Area.
Sec. 41.23.180. Purpose of AS 41.23.180 - 41.23.230.
Sec. 41.23.200. Incompatible uses.
Sec. 41.23.210. Enforcement authority.
Sec. 41.23.230. Knik River Public Use Area.
Sec. 41.23.240. Purpose and establishment of the Kodiak Narrow Cape Public Use Area.
Sec. 41.23.260. Incompatible uses.
Sec. 41.23.270. Description of Kodiak Narrow Cape Public Use Area.
Sec. 41.23.280. Purpose of AS 41.23.280 - 41.23.289.
Sec. 41.23.284. Incompatible uses.
Sec. 41.23.286. Jonesville Public Use Area.