Alaska Statutes
Article 1. Public Use Areas.
Sec. 41.23.200. Incompatible uses.

(a) Except as provided in this section, the commissioner may prohibit or restrict uses determined to be incompatible with the purposes of the Knik River Public Use Area under AS 41.23.180 within the state-owned land and water described in AS 41.23.230.
(b) Nothing in AS 41.23.180 - 41.23.230 prohibits the Department of Fish and Game from engaging in rehabilitation, enhancement, and development of fish and wildlife habitat within an area described in AS 41.23.230 that is consistent with the purposes stated in AS 41.23.180.
(c) The commissioner may not restrict
(1) lawful fishing, hunting, or trapping rights allowed under a regulation of the Board of Fisheries or the Board of Game in the Knik River Public Use Area; or
(2) the use of weapons, including firearms, in the Knik River Public Use Area except in locations where the commissioner determines that the use of weapons constitutes a threat to public safety.
(d) The commissioner shall
(1) allow the Knik River Public Use Area to be used for activities that are compatible with the reasons for establishing the public use area in AS 41.23.180 and include all-terrain vehicles, aircraft, watercraft, airboats, snowmobiling, horseback riding, hiking, bicycling, dog sledding, cross-country skiing, skijoring, camping, hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing, photography, and, where permitted, mineral exploration and mining; and
(2) recognize the existing off-road motor vehicle trails and the access those trails provide to areas in the Knik River Public Use Area, make accommodations that will provide the shortest possible route to avoid critical habitat, conduct trail rehabilitation in a way that minimizes damage, maintain and enhance off-road motor vehicle options and opportunities in the Knik River Public Use Area, and provide for increased use of the public use area.
(e) The commissioner of public safety and the commissioner of fish and game shall have necessary access for fish and game management, research, and enforcement purposes.