Alaska Statutes
Article 1. Administration and Management.
Sec. 41.17.060. Regulatory and administrative standards.

(a) All regulations, administrative actions, and other activities and duties undertaken under this chapter shall be in full accordance with the standards set out in this section.
(b) With respect to state, municipal, and private forest land, the following standards apply:
(1) to the maximum extent possible, all applicable data and information of applicable disciplines shall be updated and used in making decisions relative to the management of forest resources;
(2) environmentally sensitive areas shall be recognized in the development of regulations and best management practices that are designed to implement nonpoint source pollution control measures authorized under this chapter;
(3) administration of forest land shall consider marketing conditions and other economic constraints affecting the forest landowner, timber owner, or the operator;
(4) to the fullest extent practicable, harvested forest land shall be reforested, naturally or artificially, so as to result in a sustained yield of merchantable timber from that land; if artificial planting is required, silviculturally acceptable seedlings must first be available for planting at an economically fair price in the state; and
(5) significant adverse effects of soil erosion and mass wasting on water quality and fish habitat shall be prevented or minimized.
(c) With respect to state and municipal forest land only, the following standards also apply:
(1) forest land shall be administered for the multiple use of the renewable and nonrenewable resources and for the sustained yield of the renewable resources of the land in the manner that best provides for the present needs and preserves the future options of the people of the state;
(2) a system of allocating predominant uses or values to particular units within a contiguous area of land shall reflect in reasonable proportion the various resources and values present in that area;
(3) to the extent its capacity permits, forest land shall be administered so as to provide for the continuation of businesses, activities, and lifestyles that are dependent upon or derived from forest resources;
(4) timber harvesting is limited to areas where data and information demonstrate that natural or artificial reforestation techniques will result in the production of a sustained yield of merchantable timber from that area;
(5) there may not be significant impairment of the productivity of the land and water with respect to renewable resources;
(6) allowance shall be made for scenic quality in or adjacent to areas of substantial importance to the tourism and recreation industry; and
(7) allowance shall be made for important fish and wildlife habitat.