Alaska Statutes
Article 1. Administration and Management.
Sec. 41.17.041. Board of Forestry.

(a) The Board of Forestry is established in the division.
(b) The board is composed of nine members appointed by the governor:
(1) a representative of a commercial fishermen's organization;
(2) a representative of a Native corporation established under 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. (Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act);
(3) a representative of an environmental organization;
(4) a representative of a forest industry trade association;
(5) a professional fish or wildlife biologist who is not employed in that capacity by a state, municipal, or federal government agency, except for university employment;
(6) a professional forester who is not employed in that capacity by a state, municipal, or federal government agency, except for university employment;
(7) a representative of a mining organization;
(8) a representative of a recreational organization; and
(9) the state forester, who serves ex officio and without a vote.
(c) The state forester is the presiding officer of the board and shall, in consultation with the board, establish procedures for scheduling and organizing board meetings. Seven voting members of the board constitute a quorum. Each decision of the board requires the affirmative vote of each voting member present less one.
(d) A board member who is unable to attend a meeting may designate an alternate who possesses the same qualifications as the board member.
(e) The division shall serve as staff to the board. The department, the Department of Fish and Game, and the Department of Environmental Conservation shall provide technical staffing and information as needed by the board.