Alaska Statutes
Article 1. Administration and Management.
Sec. 41.17.010. Declaration of intent.

The legislature declares that
(1) the forest resources of Alaska are among the most valuable natural resources of the state, and furnish timber and wood products, fish and wildlife, tourism, outdoor recreation, water, soil, air, minerals, and general health and welfare;
(2) economic enterprises and other activities and pursuits derived from forest resources warrant the continuing recognition and support of the state;
(3) the state has a fundamental obligation to ensure that management of forest resources guarantees perpetual supplies of renewable resources, provides nonrenewable resources in a manner consistent with that obligation, and serves the needs of all Alaska for the many products, benefits, and services obtained from them;
(4) government administration of forest resources should combine professional management services, regulatory measures, and economic incentives in a complementary fashion, and should draw upon the expertise of professional foresters in conjunction with other disciplines;
(5) under the leadership of the Department of Environmental Conservation as lead agency, the state should exercise its full responsibility and authority for control of nonpoint source pollution with respect to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended;
(6) subject to AS 41.17.098(c), the provisions of this chapter, and regulations adopted under this chapter, with the approval of the Department of Environmental Conservation, establish the nonpoint source pollution requirements under state law and sec. 319 of the Clean Water Act for activities subject to this chapter;
(7) except for activities subject to AS 16.05.841 or 16.05.871 and regulations authorized by those sections, this chapter and regulations adopted under this chapter establish the fish habitat protection standards, policies, and review processes under state law.