Alaska Statutes
Chapter 28. Equal Employment Opportunity Program
Sec. 39.28.020. Powers and duties of the director of personnel regarding the administration of the equal employment opportunity program.

(a) The director of the division of personnel shall
(1) assist state officials to carry out their equal employment opportunity responsibilities, including promoting the recruitment, employment, training, and retention of members of protected classes, and recommend solutions to any problems identified;
(2) train state managers and supervisors in their equal employment opportunity and affirmative action responsibilities and offer orientation programs to employees to inform them of their rights and responsibilities under this chapter;
(3) monitor records of personnel actions, develop auditing and reporting systems to acquire statistical information, and prepare federal and state reports concerning the composition of the work force;
(4) prepare and submit the affirmative action plan for employment in the executive branch of state government to the governor;
(5) prepare guidelines for the affirmative action programs of agencies and review, audit, and make recommendations concerning the programs;
(6) ensure that agencies comply with the affirmative action plan and with the agency affirmative action program;
(7) implement standards by which performance evaluations of supervisors reflect compliance with affirmative action plans and objectives, including the granting or denial of merit increases;
(8) assist the division of labor relations in collective bargaining negotiations between the state and employee bargaining organizations to ensure that each collective bargaining agreement negotiated by the state ensures equal employment opportunity;
(9) file quarterly reports with the governor and the legislature concerning agency compliance with and progress in its affirmative action program, the affirmative action plan, state and federal equal employment opportunity laws and regulations;
(10) accept, investigate, and resolve complaints of discrimination from employees, previous employees, or applicants for employment;
(11) serve as primary liaison between the executive branch and state and federal agencies, minority and women's organizations, and community groups concerned with equal employment opportunity; and
(12) prepare and submit an annual report to the governor and the legislature by February 15 on the progress and problem areas in the equal employment opportunity program and the implementation of the affirmative action plan.
(b) The director of personnel may
(1) recommend legislative or administrative action to the governor, through the commissioner of administration, relating to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action matters;
(2) require the purging of the records of a complaint of unlawful discrimination from the personnel file of an employee who has filed a complaint of unlawful discrimination;
(3) forbid an agency to hire or promote employees based on a discriminatory employment practice;
(4) require an agency to reverse a personnel action including a hiring decision if the director finds that the action was based on a discriminatory employment practice;
(5) require an agency to change its selection procedures if the director finds that the procedures violate state or federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination; and
(6) when there is reason to believe that an employee has violated this subsection, require the agency to investigate and to impose discipline if the investigation reveals facts warranting it.
(c) A collective bargaining agreement adopted under AS 23.40.070 - 23.40.260 (Public Employment Relations Act) must be consistent with principles of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action. This chapter supersedes the provisions of AS 39.25 (State Personnel Act).