Alaska Statutes
Article 1. Administration.
Sec. 31.05.035. Confidential reports.

(a) For all wells for which a permit to drill has been issued by the commission, the commission may require
(1) the making and filing of reports, well logs, drilling logs, electric logs, lithologic logs, directional surveys, and all other subsurface information on a well for which a permit to drill has been issued by the commission;
(2) the filing of flow test information and all logs, except experimental logs and velocity surveys run on a well and not required by (1) of this subsection; and
(3) the operator to make available for copying the digitized log information, if it is available, on any log required to be filed under (1) or (2) of this subsection.
(b) Reports and information required under (a)(1) and (2) of this section shall be filed within 30 days after the completion, abandonment, or suspension of a well. However, under (a)(1) of this section, the commission may not require the making of a log on a well completed, abandoned, or suspended before June 19, 1970.
(c) The reports and information required in (a) of this section that relate to an exploratory or stratigraphic test well and those portions of an application for a permit to drill an exploratory or stratigraphic test well that the commission determines contain proprietary engineering or geotechnical information shall be kept confidential for 24 months following the 30-day filing period unless the owner of the well gives written permission to release the application and reports and information at an earlier date. If the commissioner of natural resources finds that the required reports and information contain significant information relating to the valuation of unleased land in the same vicinity, the commissioner shall keep the reports and information confidential for a reasonable time after the disposition of all affected unleased land, unless the owner of the well gives written permission to release the reports and information at an earlier date. Well surface and bottom hole locations, well depth, well status, production data, and production reports required by the commission to be filed subsequent to the 30-day filing period shall be considered public information and may not be classified confidential. “Production data,” as used in this subsection, means volume, gravity, and gas-oil ratio of all production of oil or gas after the well begins regular production.
(d) Engineering, geological, and other information not required by (a) of this section but voluntarily filed with the commission shall be kept confidential if the person filing the information so requests.
(e) Notwithstanding (c) of this section, claims of confidentiality will be denied for information disclosed to the commission under AS 31.05.030(h) that is required to be disclosed under 42 U.S.C. 300h-4.
(f) Confidentiality under (d) of this section is not applicable to information submitted with or as part of a petition for a commission order or to information submitted for or as part of a hearing before the commission.