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Article 1. Administration.
Sec. 31.05.005. Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission created. - (a) There is created as an independent quasi-judicial agency of...
Sec. 31.05.007. Term of office; vacancy; removal. - (a) The term of office of each member is six...
Sec. 31.05.009. Qualifications of members. - Members shall be qualified as follows: (1) one member shall...
Sec. 31.05.011. Quorum. - Two members of the commission constitute a quorum for the...
Sec. 31.05.013. Oath of office. - Each commissioner, before entering upon the duties of office, shall...
Sec. 31.05.015. Compensation of members of the commission. - Members of the commission are in the exempt service and...
Sec. 31.05.017. Principal office; seal. - (a) The commission shall establish a principal office and branch...
Sec. 31.05.021. Legal counsel. - (a) The Department of Law shall provide full-time legal counsel...
Sec. 31.05.023. Commission staff. - (a) The commission shall employ such staff as it considers...
Sec. 31.05.025. Conflict of interest. - (a) Members and employees of the commission, except clerical and...
Sec. 31.05.026. Relationship to Department of Natural Resources. - (a) The Department of Natural Resources shall have standing before...
Sec. 31.05.027. Land subject to commission's authority. - The authority of the commission applies to all land in...
Sec. 31.05.030. Powers and duties of commission. - (a) The commission has jurisdiction and authority over all persons...
Sec. 31.05.032. Certification of gas storage capacity. - (a) An owner of a gas storage facility that seeks...
Sec. 31.05.035. Confidential reports. - (a) For all wells for which a permit to drill...
Sec. 31.05.040. Regulations and orders. - (a) The commission shall adopt regulations governing practice and procedure...
Sec. 31.05.050. Notice. - (a) A notice required by this chapter shall be given...
Sec. 31.05.060. Action by commission. - (a) The commission may act upon its own motion, or...
Sec. 31.05.070. Attendance and testimony of witnesses. - (a) The commission may summon witnesses, administer oaths, and require...
Sec. 31.05.080. Reconsiderations. - (a) Within 20 days after written notice of the entry...
Sec. 31.05.085. Expenses of investigation or hearing. - (a) During a hearing or investigation held under this chapter,...
Article 2. Regulation of Operations.
Sec. 31.05.090. Permits to drill wells. - (a) A person shall apply for and receive a permit...
Sec. 31.05.093. Regulated well regulatory cost charge. - (a) Every person that on the first day of a...
Sec. 31.05.095. Waste prohibited. - The waste of oil and gas in the state is...
Sec. 31.05.100. Establishment of drilling units for pools. - (a) For the prevention of waste, to protect and enforce...
Sec. 31.05.110. Unitization and unitized operation of pools and integration of interests by agreement. - (a) To prevent, or to assist in preventing waste, to...
Sec. 31.05.120. Use of gas from well to manufacture carbon products without permit is prima facie waste. - The use of gas from a well producing gas only,...
Article 3. General Provisions.
Sec. 31.05.150. Penalties. - (a) In addition to the penalties in (b) - (e)...
Sec. 31.05.160. Injunctive relief. - (a) Whenever it appears that a person is violating or...
Sec. 31.05.170. Definitions. - In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires (1) “and”...