(a) The Department of Natural Resources shall have standing before the commission to raise all issues relating to state-owned land without regard to the type of proprietary interest held by the state in that land.
(b) With respect to federal land from which the state or any subdivision of the state is entitled under federal law to receive a share of the federal royalty interest, the Department of Natural Resources shall have the same standing before the commission as if it were the holder of the equivalent royalty interest.
(c) When both the Department of Natural Resources and the commission have the authority to require, and do require, the submission of substantially the same information from persons subject to this chapter, the commission, in order to alleviate the administrative burdens placed on those persons, may by regulation enter into an agreement with the Department of Natural Resources whereby either the commission or the Department of Natural Resources shall have the responsibility to collect the information lawfully required by both.
(d) For budget and audit procedures and considerations, the commission shall have the same standing as any other major state agency. Whenever practicable the commission may enter into state interagency agreements concerning administrative, employee relations, and fiscal duties.
(e) The Department of Natural Resources shall have the same standing, no more or less, before the commission as granted by law to any other proprietary interest.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 05. Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Act
Sec. 31.05.005. Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission created.
Sec. 31.05.007. Term of office; vacancy; removal.
Sec. 31.05.009. Qualifications of members.
Sec. 31.05.013. Oath of office.
Sec. 31.05.015. Compensation of members of the commission.
Sec. 31.05.017. Principal office; seal.
Sec. 31.05.021. Legal counsel.
Sec. 31.05.023. Commission staff.
Sec. 31.05.025. Conflict of interest.
Sec. 31.05.026. Relationship to Department of Natural Resources.
Sec. 31.05.027. Land subject to commission's authority.
Sec. 31.05.030. Powers and duties of commission.
Sec. 31.05.032. Certification of gas storage capacity.
Sec. 31.05.035. Confidential reports.
Sec. 31.05.040. Regulations and orders.
Sec. 31.05.060. Action by commission.
Sec. 31.05.070. Attendance and testimony of witnesses.