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Part 1 - Military Forces — in General
§ 58-1-101. Short Title - Parts 1, 2 and 4-6 of this chapter may be...
§ 58-1-102. Definitions - In parts 1, 2 and 4-6 of this chapter, unless...
§ 58-1-105. Commander-in-Chief of Military Forces — Powers — Regulations - The governor shall be the commander-in-chief of the military forces,...
§ 58-1-107. Troops on Active Duty — Commanding Officers — Powers and Duties - When troops of the national guard are assigned to any...
§ 58-1-108. Active State Duty — Individuals - The governor is authorized and empowered to call individual members...
§ 58-1-109. Active Duty Pay - Members of the national guard when assigned to state military...
§ 58-1-110. Military Staff of the Governor - The military staff of the governor shall consist of the...
§ 58-1-111. Honorary Staff of the Governor - The honorary staff of the governor shall consist of the...
§ 58-1-114. Military Department Constituted - That agency, division or department of the state government, comprising...
§ 58-1-115. Adjutant General — Appointment - The adjutant general shall be appointed by the governor for...
§ 58-1-117. Design of the Flag or Banner of the Military Department - The flag or banner of the Tennessee military department shall...
Part 2 - National Guard
§ 58-1-201. Organization of State Headquarters — Army Division — Air Division - The state headquarters of the national guard is hereby organized...
§ 58-1-202. Organization and Training — Laws and Regulations of United States - The national guard shall be organized, armed, disciplined, governed, administered,...
§ 58-1-203. Army National Guard - The land force of the national guard shall be the...
§ 58-1-204. Air National Guard - The air force of the national guard shall be the...
§ 58-1-206. Maintenance of National Guard Units - In the event adequate and satisfactory armory accommodations, bases, camps,...
§ 58-1-207. Inactive National Guard - The inactive national guard shall consist of the persons commissioned,...
§ 58-1-208. Funds — Accounting Requirements — Post Exchanges and Canteens — Regulations Governing - All unit funds, known as company, battalion, and regimental funds,...
§ 58-1-209. Appointment and Promotion of Commissioned Officers - All commissioned officers of the national guard shall be considered...
§ 58-1-211. Commissioned Officers — Oath - Every commissioned officer shall take and subscribe to the oath...
§ 58-1-212. Precedence and Date of Rank - Precedence or relative rank among officers of the same grade...
§ 58-1-213. Assignments and Promotions - Officers will be assigned, transferred and promoted under regulations prescribed...
§ 58-1-214. Officer's Uniforms - Every commissioned officer shall personally provide such uniforms and articles...
§ 58-1-218. Officers — Termination of Appointments - The appointment of a national guard officer will be terminated...
§ 58-1-219. Officers — Retired List - When the appointment of any officer is terminated and federal...
§ 58-1-220. General Officers — Tenure - No general officer of the line and no air guard...
§ 58-1-222. Contract and Oath of Enlistment - Every person who enlists or reenlists in the national guard...
§ 58-1-223. Promotions and Reductions - Enlisted personnel of the national guard shall be promoted and...
§ 58-1-225. Absence Without Leave - When an enlisted person of the national guard is absent...
§ 58-1-226. Exemption From Civil Process and Arrest - Except for the commission of treason, a felony or a...
§ 58-1-230. Awards in Case of Death or Injury - The death benefit herein provided shall be payable without regard...
§ 58-1-231. Service Medals - A service medal shall be issued to each officer or...
§ 58-1-232. Dress Uniforms - Any organization of the national guard may, with the approval...
§ 58-1-233. Membership in National Guard Associations - The adjutant general is authorized and empowered to maintain membership...
§ 58-1-234. Authority to Administer Oaths - The following officers of the national guard shall have power...
§ 58-1-235. Patrons of National Guard - Any person, who contributes to a company fund of the...
Part 3 - Militia
§ 58-1-301. Call to Active Service — Enrollment of Militia - The governor, with the advice and consent of the general...
§ 58-1-302. Failure to Appear for Service - Any person subject to call into active military service of...
§ 58-1-303. Election and Appointment of Officers - All officers of the militia exercising command of line units...
§ 58-1-304. Uniform of Militia - The governor is authorized and directed, at the proper time,...
§ 58-1-305. Transfer of Militia to National Guard - The governor, with the advice and consent of the general...
§ 58-1-306. Disbanding of Militia - The governor, having called forth the militia into active service,...
Part 4 - Defense Force
§ 58-1-401. Governor Authorized to Enlist State Guard - Whenever the president of the United States shall call any...
§ 58-1-402. Membership of State Guard — Distinct From National Guard — Service Outside State or Relating to Elections — Limitation on Consecutive Years of Advisory Service - The state guard shall be composed of such individuals between...
§ 58-1-403. — 58-1-404 [reserved.] - The governor is authorized to appoint and commission necessary officers...
§ 58-1-406. Liability to Federal Military Service Not Affected - No person shall solely by reason of enlistment or commission...
§ 58-1-407. Oath of Members - Each and every member joining the state guard shall, in...
§ 58-1-408. Organization, Composition and Strength - The governor may organize, activate, increase, change, divide, consolidate, disband,...
§ 58-1-409. Duties, Privileges and Immunities - All duties imposed by the military law or other statutes...
§ 58-1-410. Reserve Organization - During such time as the state guard is not activated,...
§ 58-1-411. Compensation - Members of the state guard when assigned to state military...
§ 58-1-412. Governor's Authority and Power to Call Members of the State Guard to Active State Duty With the Member's Consent - The governor is authorized and empowered to call members of...
Part 5 - Military Property — Armories
§ 58-1-501. Authority to Acquire Lands - The governor is authorized and empowered on behalf of the...
§ 58-1-502. Proclamation of Emergency - It shall be the duty of the governor to announce...
§ 58-1-503. Payment for Lands - The lands so acquired in accordance with §§ 58-1-501 —...
§ 58-1-504. Condemnation of Land - If it is necessary to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire...
§ 58-1-505. Lease to United States - The governor is authorized and empowered to lease lands acquired...
§ 58-1-506. Acquisition, Disposal and Administration of Real Property by Adjutant General — Authority to Enter Into Cooperative Agreements - The adjutant general, under the direction and supervision of the...
§ 58-1-507. “Armory” Defined - Armory,” whenever used in §§ 58-1-507 — 58-1-512, includes any...
§ 58-1-510. Appropriations of Money or Property by Counties or Municipal Corporations for Defense - The governing authorities of the counties and municipal corporations of...
§ 58-1-511. Title to Armories - The title to all armories procured under §§ 58-1-507 —...
§ 58-1-514. Federal Property — Care and Custody - Federal property, issued to the Tennessee national guard, shall not...
Part 6 - Armed Forces — Penal Provisions
§ 58-1-601. Rights-of-Way — Highways — Exceptions - Troops of the United States or of the Tennessee national...
§ 58-1-603. Unlawful Traffic in Military Property - Any person who shall purchase, receive in pledge, retain, or...
§ 58-1-604. Discrimination Against Members of the National Guard - It is a Class E felony for any person, firm...
§ 58-1-605. Commissioned Officers' Power to Take Oaths and Acknowledgments - In addition to the acknowledgment of instruments and the performance...
§ 58-1-606. Validity of Notarial Acts of Officers - Such acknowledgment of instruments, attestation of documents, administration of oaths...
§ 58-1-612. Assistance With Unlawful Enlistment, Appointment or Separation - Any person who effects an enlistment or appointment in or...
§ 58-1-613. Absence Without Leave - Any person of the Tennessee national guard who, without proper...
§ 58-1-614. Missing Movement - Any member of the national guard, who through neglect or...
§ 58-1-615. Disrespect Toward Superior Commissioned Officer - Any member of the national guard who behaves with disrespect...
§ 58-1-616. Assaulting or Willfully Disobeying Superior Commissioned Officer - Any member of the national guard who: is guilty of...
§ 58-1-617. Insubordinate Conduct Toward Warrant Officer or Noncommissioned Officer - Any enlisted member of the national guard who: is guilty...
§ 58-1-618. Failure to Obey Order or Regulation - Any member of the national guard who: is guilty of...
§ 58-1-619. Cruelty and Maltreatment - Any member of the national guard who is guilty of...
§ 58-1-621. Misbehavior on Active Duty - Any member of the national guard who, while on active...
§ 58-1-622. False Official Statements - Any person subject to §§ 58-1-611 — 58-1-634 as provided...
§ 58-1-623. Military Property — Loss, Damage, Destruction or Wrongful Disposition - Any person subject to §§ 58-1-611 — 58-1-634 as provided...
§ 58-1-624. Property Other Than Military Property — Waste, Spoilage, or Destruction - Any person subject to §§ 58-1-611 — 58-1-634 as provided...
§ 58-1-625. Drunken or Reckless Driving - Any member of the national guard who operates any vehicle...
§ 58-1-626. Drunk on Duty - Any member of the national guard who is found drunk...
§ 58-1-627. Misbehavior of a Sentinel - Any sentinel or lookout who is found drunk or sleeping...
§ 58-1-628. Malingering - Any member of the national guard who for the purpose...
§ 58-1-629. Riot or Breach of the Peace - Any member of the national guard who causes or participates...
§ 58-1-630. Frauds Against the Government - Any member of the national guard who: is guilty of...
§ 58-1-631. Penalties - All violations of parts 1, 2 and 4-6 of this...
§ 58-1-632. Application and Effect of §§ 58-1-611 — 58-1-633 - Sections 58-1-611 — 58-1-633 are applicable to members of the...
§ 58-1-633. Enlisted Personnel — Explanation of Penal Laws - Sections 58-1-611 — 58-1-633 shall be carefully explained to each...
Part 7 - Military Family Assistance Trust Fund
§ 58-1-701. Creation of Fund - There is created within the general fund a special account...
§ 58-1-702. Investment of Moneys in Fund - Moneys in the fund shall be invested by the state...
§ 58-1-706. Report - Each year between August 15 and September 1, the military...