The governor is authorized to appoint and commission necessary officers for the state guard; to prescribe rules and regulations governing the enlistment, organization, administration, pay, equipment, discipline and discharge of the personnel of the state guard; to obtain by grant, requisition, or purchase such necessary arms and equipment as may be secured from the department of defense, or procure from other sources, the necessary arms and equipment to maintain and equip the state guard; to make available to the state guard the facilities of the state armories and their equipment and such other state premises or property as may be available for the purpose of drill, housing and instruction; to rent, if necessary, such additional property as may be required for drilling, housing and instruction.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 58 - Military Affairs, Emergencies and Civil Defense
§ 58-1-401. Governor Authorized to Enlist State Guard
§ 58-1-403. — 58-1-404 [reserved.]
§ 58-1-406. Liability to Federal Military Service Not Affected
§ 58-1-408. Organization, Composition and Strength
§ 58-1-409. Duties, Privileges and Immunities