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Part 1 - General Emergency Provisions
§ 58-2-101. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 58-2-105. Limitations - Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to:
§ 58-2-110. Emergency Management Powers of Political Subdivisions - Safeguarding the life and property of its citizens is an...
§ 58-2-111. Possession of Mobile Telephone by Person Being Housed in Camp or Shelter - Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a person being housed...
§ 58-2-114. Government Equipment, Services, and Facilities - In carrying out this chapter, the governor, the director of...
§ 58-2-117. Lease or Loan of State Property; Transfer of State Personnel - Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law:
§ 58-2-119. Enforcement - It is the duty of every EMA established pursuant to...
§ 58-2-120. Penalties - In the event of an emergency declared pursuant to this...
§ 58-2-121. Liability - Any person, public or private, owning or controlling real estate...
§ 58-2-122. Liberality of Construction - This part shall be construed liberally in order to effectuate...
§ 58-2-124. Suspension Letter — Contents - The Tennessee emergency management agency shall deliver a copy of...
§ 58-2-125. Acceptance of Gifts - The governor, on behalf of the state, may accept a...
Part 2 - Facilitating Business Rapid Response to State-Declared Disaster Act
§ 58-2-201. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 58-2-202. Part Definitions - As used in this part:
§ 58-2-205. Effect of Remaining in State After Disaster Response Period - After a disaster response period, if a responding out-of-state business...
Part 4 - Civil Defense Compacts
§ 58-2-401. Authority for Compact - The governor is hereby authorized in the name of the...
§ 58-2-402. Text of Compact - The civil defense and disaster compact referred to in §...
§ 58-2-403. Text of Emergency Management Assistance Compact - The emergency management assistance compact referred to in § 58-2-401...
Part 5 - Emergency Severe Weather Information -
Part 6 - Accidents Involving Hazardous Materials
§ 58-2-601. Report to the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency of Accidents Involving Hazardous Materials - Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, in addition to any...
§ 58-2-602. Notification of Community Officials - As soon as practicable after receiving any such accident or...
§ 58-2-603. Records and Reports of Accidents Maintained - The Tennessee emergency management agency shall maintain records of all...
Part 7 - Earthquakes
§ 58-2-701. Interstate Earthquake Compact of 1988 - The general assembly of the state of Tennessee hereby ratifies...
Part 8 - Uniform Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Act of 2007
§ 58-2-801. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 58-2-803. Application of Part - This part shall apply to volunteer health practitioners registered with...
§ 58-2-807. Effect on Credentialing and Privileging Standards — Waiver or Modification of Standards - This part does not affect credentialing or privileging standards of...
§ 58-2-810. Emergency Rules - TEMA may promulgate emergency rules to implement this part in...
§ 58-2-812. Workers' Compensation Benefits - Notwithstanding § 8-42-101(3)(B) concerning workers' compensation coverage of certain state...
§ 58-2-813. Uniformity of Law Among States - In applying and construing this part, consideration shall be given...