Any person, who contributes to a company fund of the Tennessee national guard the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) or more for the period of one (1) year shall be known as a patron of the national guard. The names of all such patrons, together with the amount contributed by each, shall be reported to the adjutant general who shall issue an appropriate card identifying such contribution as a friend, patron and supporter of the national guard.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 58 - Military Affairs, Emergencies and Civil Defense
§ 58-1-201. Organization of State Headquarters — Army Division — Air Division
§ 58-1-202. Organization and Training — Laws and Regulations of United States
§ 58-1-203. Army National Guard
§ 58-1-204. Air National Guard
§ 58-1-206. Maintenance of National Guard Units
§ 58-1-207. Inactive National Guard
§ 58-1-208. Funds — Accounting Requirements — Post Exchanges and Canteens — Regulations Governing
§ 58-1-209. Appointment and Promotion of Commissioned Officers
§ 58-1-211. Commissioned Officers — Oath
§ 58-1-212. Precedence and Date of Rank
§ 58-1-213. Assignments and Promotions
§ 58-1-214. Officer's Uniforms
§ 58-1-218. Officers — Termination of Appointments
§ 58-1-219. Officers — Retired List
§ 58-1-220. General Officers — Tenure
§ 58-1-222. Contract and Oath of Enlistment
§ 58-1-223. Promotions and Reductions
§ 58-1-225. Absence Without Leave
§ 58-1-226. Exemption From Civil Process and Arrest
§ 58-1-230. Awards in Case of Death or Injury
§ 58-1-233. Membership in National Guard Associations