If it is necessary to hold an election on the proposition to issue general obligation bonds or if the governing body decides to hold an election to ascertain the will of the electorate even if no petition has been filed, then the election shall be called by the governing body of the local government. Such election shall be held as an election on a question by the county election commission pursuant to § 2-3-204. The governing body shall adopt a resolution (herein called the “election resolution”) which shall supersede by its adoption, and immediately upon its adoption, the initial resolution, if any. The election resolution shall state in substance:
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 21 - Local Government Public Obligations Act of 1986
Part 2 - General Obligation Bonds
§ 9-21-202. Sale of General Obligation Bonds at Below Par Value
§ 9-21-203. Sale of General Obligation Bonds — Notices
§ 9-21-204. Sale of General Obligation Bonds to a State or Federal Agency
§ 9-21-205. Initial General Obligation Bond Resolution
§ 9-21-206. Publication of Notice
§ 9-21-208. Voluntary Election
§ 9-21-209. Election Resolution
§ 9-21-211. Limitation on Election Contests
§ 9-21-212. Waiting Period for New Election
§ 9-21-214. Powers to Secure and to Covenant as to General Obligation Bonds