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§ 9-21-202. Sale of General Obligation Bonds at Below Par Value - All general obligation bonds issued by any local government under...
§ 9-21-203. Sale of General Obligation Bonds — Notices - Any local government proposing to sell general obligation bonds, under...
§ 9-21-204. Sale of General Obligation Bonds to a State or Federal Agency - If any general obligation bonds are to be sold pursuant...
§ 9-21-205. Initial General Obligation Bond Resolution - Prior to the issuance of general obligation bonds pursuant to...
§ 9-21-206. Publication of Notice - The initial resolution, together with a notice in substantially the...
§ 9-21-208. Voluntary Election - If the governing body of the local government makes a...
§ 9-21-209. Election Resolution - If it is necessary to hold an election on the...
§ 9-21-211. Limitation on Election Contests - No suit, action or other proceeding contesting the validity of...
§ 9-21-212. Waiting Period for New Election - If an election on the proposition to issue general obligation...
§ 9-21-214. Powers to Secure and to Covenant as to General Obligation Bonds - In order to secure the payment of the principal of...
§ 9-21-216. Remedies of General Obligation Bondholders - Any holder of general obligation bonds issued pursuant to parts...