2021 Tennessee Code
Part 2 - General Obligation Bonds
§ 9-21-202. Sale of General Obligation Bonds at Below Par Value

All general obligation bonds issued by any local government under the authority of this part and part 1 of this chapter shall be sold for not less than ninety-eight percent (98%) of par value and accrued interest as the governing body of the local government may direct. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the sale of particular bonds constituting a part of a single issue or series of bonds at a price below that herein specified, as long as the total price paid by the purchaser for the entire issue or series of bonds offered for sale on any given date shall be not less than ninety-eight percent (98%) of par value of the entire issue or series of bonds and accrued interest; provided, that if any part of such issue or series of such general obligation bonds is to be sold at a zero (0) rate of interest or at an original issue discount, such bonds may be sold at not less than ninety-eight percent (98%) of the original reoffering price of such discount bonds and accrued interest.