Any person, firm, association, corporation or other entity that engages in activity governed by this chapter and is not registered as required by this chapter commits a Class A misdemeanor.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 68 - Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
Chapter 105 - Tennessee Blasting Standards Act of 1975
§ 68-105-102. Chapter Definitions
§ 68-105-104. Blasting Standards
§ 68-105-105. Seismograph Measurements
§ 68-105-110. Local Requirements Preempted
§ 68-105-112. Minimum Insurance Requirements
§ 68-105-113. Registration Required Prior to the Purchase, Receipt or Possession of Explosives
§ 68-105-115. Insurance Requirement
§ 68-105-117. Administrative Responsibility to the Department of Commerce and Insurance
§ 68-105-120. Exceptions. [See Contingent Amendment and the Compiler’s notes.]