At any dwelling house, public building, school, church, commercial or institutional building normally occupied within three hundred feet (300') of any blast hole, the responsible blasting firm shall offer the owner or occupant a pre-blast survey at no charge. This requirement shall apply only in cases where the standard table of distance is exceeded. The offer shall be made in writing by the blasting firm at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to commencement of the blasting operation. All surveys requested during the offer period shall be completed prior to the commencement of the blasting operation. Complete documentation of surveys, including all photographs, may be requested from the blasting firm by each owner or occupant in writing. Documentation shall be provided by the blasting firm in a timely manner. Each survey shall document all structural and cosmetic flaws noted at that time. Nothing contained in this section shall apply to permanent blasting operations.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 68 - Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
Chapter 105 - Tennessee Blasting Standards Act of 1975
§ 68-105-102. Chapter Definitions
§ 68-105-104. Blasting Standards
§ 68-105-105. Seismograph Measurements
§ 68-105-110. Local Requirements Preempted
§ 68-105-112. Minimum Insurance Requirements
§ 68-105-113. Registration Required Prior to the Purchase, Receipt or Possession of Explosives
§ 68-105-115. Insurance Requirement
§ 68-105-117. Administrative Responsibility to the Department of Commerce and Insurance
§ 68-105-120. Exceptions. [See Contingent Amendment and the Compiler’s notes.]