2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 105 - Tennessee Blasting Standards Act of 1975
§ 68-105-104. Blasting Standards

TABLE 1 PEAK PARTICLE VELOCITY LIMITSDistance from blasting site  Maximum allowable peak
particle velocity1
0 to 300 ft (91.4 m) 1.25 in/sec (31.75 mm/sec)
301 to 5000 ft (91.5 m to 1524 m) 1.00 in/sec (25.4 mm/sec)
5001 ft (1525 m) and beyond 0.75 in/sec (19 mm/sec)
1 Peak particle velocity must be measured in three mutually perpendicular directions and the maximum allowable limits shall apply to each of these measurements.
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TABLE 2 SCALED DISTANCE EQUATIONSDistance from Blasting  Scaled Distance Equation
0 to 300 ft (91.4 m) Standard Table of Distance (see below)
301 to 5000 ft (92 m to
1524 m) W (lbs) = (d (ft)/55)2 or W (kg) = (d (m)/24.9)2
5001 ft (1524 m) and
beyond W (lbs) = (d (ft)/65)2 or W (kg) = (d (m)/29.4)2
W  = The maximum weight of explosives in pounds (or kilograms) that can be detonated per delay interval of 8 milliseconds or greater.
d  = The distance in feet (or meters) from the blast site to the nearest dwelling, public building, school, church, commercial, or institutional building normally occupied not owned, leased, or contracted by the blasting operation, or on property where the owner has not given a written waiver to the blasting operation.
Note : To convert English Units of scaled distances (ft/lb2) to metric units (m/kg2) divide by a factor of 2.21.
STANDARD TABLE OF DISTANCE (0 to 300 feet (91.4 m))
Distance in Feet Weight in Pounds
0-10 1/8
11-15 1/4
16-20 1/2
21-25 3/4
26-30 1.00
40   2.25
50   3.50
60   4.75
70   6.00
80   7.25
90   8.50
100  9.75
110  11.00
130  13.50
150  16.00
170  18.50
190  21.00
210  23.50
230  26.00
250  28.50
270  31.00
290  33.50
300  34.75
where V0 is the maximum ground particle velocity at the seismograph, D0 is the distance of the seismograph from the blasting, and D is the distance from the blast to the position in question and in the same general direction. The distance D0 may not be greater than D, and D cannot be more than five (5) times D0.