Every telephone company doing business within this state, and engaged in a general telephone business, shall supply all applicants for telephone connection and facilities, without discrimination or partiality; provided, that such applicants comply or offer to comply with the reasonable regulations of the company. No such company shall impose any condition or restriction upon any such applicant that is not imposed impartially upon all persons or companies in like situations, nor shall such company discriminate against any individual or company engaged in lawful business by requiring, as condition for furnishing such facilities, that they shall not be used in the business of the applicant or otherwise, under penalty of one hundred dollars ($100) for each day such company continues such discrimination and refuses such facilities after compliance or offer to comply with the reasonable regulations, and time to furnish the same has elapsed, to be recovered by the applicant whose application is so neglected or refused.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 65 - Public Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 21 - Telegraphs and Telephones
§ 65-21-101. Special Powers of Corporations
§ 65-21-102. Railroad Enabled to Operate Telegraph and Telephone
§ 65-21-104. Consolidation of Telephone and Electric Light Companies
§ 65-21-105. Use of Poles of Other Companies
§ 65-21-106. Discrimination in Telephone Connections Prohibited