Telegraph and telephone corporations may construct a telegraph or telephone line and erect the necessary fixtures along, or over, or under the line of any public highway, the streets of any village, town, or city, across, or over, or under rivers, or any land belonging to the state, or along, across, or under county roads, and also over the lands of private individuals in pursuance of the general law authorizing the condemnation of the easement of right of way for works of internal improvement as set forth in title 29, chapter 16; provided, that the ordinary use of such public highway, streets, or county road be not thereby obstructed or the navigation of such waters impeded.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 65 - Public Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 21 - Telegraphs and Telephones
§ 65-21-101. Special Powers of Corporations
§ 65-21-102. Railroad Enabled to Operate Telegraph and Telephone
§ 65-21-104. Consolidation of Telephone and Electric Light Companies
§ 65-21-105. Use of Poles of Other Companies
§ 65-21-106. Discrimination in Telephone Connections Prohibited