Any village or city within which such line may be constructed shall have all reasonable police powers to regulate the construction, maintenance, or operation of the line within its limits, including the right to exact rentals for the use of its streets and to limit the rates to be charged; provided, that such rentals and limitations as to rates are reasonable and imposed upon all telephone and telegraph companies without discrimination. No village, town, or city shall have the right to prevent the company from constructing, maintaining, and operating the line within the village, town, or city, so long as the line is being constructed, maintained, or operated within the village, town, or city, in accordance with the reasonable police regulations.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 65 - Public Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 21 - Telegraphs and Telephones
§ 65-21-101. Special Powers of Corporations
§ 65-21-102. Railroad Enabled to Operate Telegraph and Telephone
§ 65-21-104. Consolidation of Telephone and Electric Light Companies
§ 65-21-105. Use of Poles of Other Companies
§ 65-21-106. Discrimination in Telephone Connections Prohibited