For the purposes of this chapter, a municipality may establish or acquire and maintain, within or bordering upon the territorial limits of the municipality, airports in, over and upon any public waters of this state, any submerged lands under such public waters, and any artificial or reclaimed lands that before the artificial making or reclamation thereof constituted a portion of the submerged lands under public waters; and may construct and maintain terminal buildings, landing floats, causeways, roadways, and bridges for approaches to or connecting with any such airport, and landing floats and breakwaters for the protection of any such airport.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 5 - County and Municipal Airports
§ 42-5-102. Chapter Definitions
§ 42-5-104. Acquisition of Existing Airports
§ 42-5-105. Establishment of Airports on Public Waters and Reclaimed Lands
§ 42-5-106. Limitation on Design and Operation of Air Navigation Facilities
§ 42-5-107. Public Purpose of Airports
§ 42-5-109. Disposal of Airport Property
§ 42-5-112. Delegation of Authority to Airport Officer or Board
§ 42-5-113. Regulations and Jurisdiction — Scope — Conformity to Federal and State Law
§ 42-5-115. Bond Issues — Notes — Financing Acquisition Costs and Improvements
§ 42-5-117. Bond Issues Ratified and Validated — Bonding Power Supplemental
§ 42-5-118. Application of Airport Revenues and Sale Proceeds
§ 42-5-123. Airport Property and Income Exempt From Taxation
§ 42-5-124. Supplementary Authority