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Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 42-5-101. Short Title - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 42-5-102. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 42-5-104. Acquisition of Existing Airports - The municipality may by purchase, gift, devise, lease, eminent domain...
§ 42-5-105. Establishment of Airports on Public Waters and Reclaimed Lands - For the purposes of this chapter, a municipality may establish...
§ 42-5-106. Limitation on Design and Operation of Air Navigation Facilities - All air navigation facilities established or operated by municipalities shall...
§ 42-5-107. Public Purpose of Airports - Any airport so acquired, owned, leased, controlled or occupied by...
§ 42-5-109. Disposal of Airport Property - Except as may be limited by the terms and conditions...
§ 42-5-111. Liens - To enforce the payment of any charges for repairs or...
§ 42-5-112. Delegation of Authority to Airport Officer or Board - Any authority vested by this chapter in a municipality or...
§ 42-5-113. Regulations and Jurisdiction — Scope — Conformity to Federal and State Law - not less than nor more than 100,000 200,000 450,000 550,000...
§ 42-5-115. Bond Issues — Notes — Financing Acquisition Costs and Improvements - The cost of planning, acquiring, establishing, developing, constructing, enlarging, improving,...
§ 42-5-117. Bond Issues Ratified and Validated — Bonding Power Supplemental - All bonds issued prior to March 17, 1961, and all...
§ 42-5-118. Application of Airport Revenues and Sale Proceeds - The revenues obtained by a municipality from the ownership, control...
§ 42-5-120. Contracts - A municipality may enter into any contracts necessary to the...
§ 42-5-121. Mutual Aid - If any municipality determines that the public interest and the...
§ 42-5-123. Airport Property and Income Exempt From Taxation - Any property in this state acquired by a municipality for...
§ 42-5-124. Supplementary Authority - In addition to the general and special powers conferred by...
§ 42-5-125. Airport Zoning Authority Unaffected - Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to limit...
§ 42-5-126. Interpretation and Construction - This chapter shall be so interpreted and construed as to...
Part 2 - Joint Operations -