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Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Part 1 - General Regulations
§ 42-1-101. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 42-1-102. Sovereignty in Space Above Lands and Waters - Sovereignty in the space above the lands and waters of...
§ 42-1-103. Ownership in Space Above Lands and Waters Is in Surface Owners Beneath - The ownership of the space above the lands and waters...
§ 42-1-106. Rules of Law of Jurisdiction Determining Liability of Owners - The liability of the owner of one (1) aircraft to...
§ 42-1-107. Laws of This State Govern as to Wrongs and Damages - All crimes, torts, and other wrongs committed by or against...
§ 42-1-108. Contracts and Other Relations Made While in Flight - All contractual and other legal relations entered into by aeronauts...
§ 42-1-109. Dropping Objects in Flight — Penalty - Any aeronaut or passenger who, while in flight over a...
§ 42-1-110. Intentionally Killing or Attempting to Kill Birds or Animals — Penalty - Any aeronaut or passenger who, while in flight within this...
§ 42-1-112. Uniformity of State Laws — Harmony With Federal Requirements - This part shall be so interpreted and construed as to...
Part 2 - Unlawful Operation of Aircraft
§ 42-1-205. Clerk to Send Copy of Conviction to Department of Transportation - It is the duty of the clerk in any court...
§ 42-1-206. Department to Advise Federal Officials of Conviction - It is the duty of the department of transportation to...
§ 42-1-207. Armed Forces and Air Shows Excepted - The prohibitions of this part relating to reckless operation of...
§ 42-1-208. Reports of Arrests Under § 42-1-201 or § 42-1-203 - Within thirty (30) days of an arrest being made for...
Part 3 - Helicopter Touring
§ 42-1-301. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 42-1-302. Commercial Helicopter Touring — Permissible Locations - No person shall engage in commercial helicopter touring in any...
§ 42-1-303. Penalty - A violation of this part constitutes a nuisance and shall...
Chapter 2 - State Administration
Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 42-2-101. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:...
§ 42-2-102. Purpose of Chapter - It is declared that the purpose of this chapter is...
§ 42-2-105. Violation of Chapter, Regulations or Orders — Penalty - A violation of this chapter, or any of the rules,...
§ 42-2-107. License, Tax or Payment for Use of Publicly Owned Public Use Airports by Certain Aircraft Prohibited — Exception — Exemption - It is unlawful for any municipality to require the payment...
Part 2 - Department of Transportation
§ 42-2-201. Administration of Chapter - The department is vested with the powers, duties and functions...
§ 42-2-202. Office and Expenses of Department - Suitable offices and office equipment shall be provided by the...
§ 42-2-207. Contracts by Department of Transportation - All contracts made by the department either as agent for...
§ 42-2-208. Exclusive Rights Not to Be Granted — Effect of Section - The department shall not grant any exclusive right for the...
§ 42-2-214. Use of State and Municipal Facilities and Services - In carrying out this chapter, the department may use the...
§ 42-2-216. Orders — Notice and Opportunity for Hearings — Judicial Review - Every order of the department requiring performance of certain acts...
§ 42-2-217. Exchange of Violations Information - The department is authorized to report to the appropriate federal...
§ 42-2-218. Funds Expendable for Promotion of Aeronautics - The department is authorized to spend funds that may be...
§ 42-2-219. Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity — Granting — Fees - The department has the exclusive jurisdiction of granting certificates of...
§ 42-2-220. Cooperation With Federal Agencies - The department is empowered to work in connection with the...
§ 42-2-221. Air Schools — Establishment and Maintenance - The department is empowered to establish and maintain or aid...
§ 42-2-222. Audits of Municipalities Receiving State Aid — Withholding Aid Where Funds Improperly Used - The department is charged with the express duty of auditing...
§ 42-2-225. Reporter — Official Record — Transcripts - The department is authorized and directed to employ a competent...
§ 42-2-226. Proceedings Before Hearing Examiners - In any contested case the department may direct that the...
Part 3 - Tennessee Aeronautics Commission -
Chapter 3 - Airport Authorities
§ 42-3-101. Short Title - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 42-3-102. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 42-3-105. Certificate of Incorporation of Regional Airport Authority - The application shall be subscribed and sworn to by each...
§ 42-3-109. Eminent Domain - In the acquisition of property by eminent domain proceedings authorized...
§ 42-3-110. Disposal of Airport Property - Except as may be limited by the terms and conditions...
§ 42-3-113. Regulations — Scope — Conformity With State and Federal Law - An authority is authorized to adopt, amend and repeal such...
§ 42-3-115. Public Purposes - The acquisition of any land, or interest in land, pursuant...
§ 42-3-117. Authority of Municipal Corporations - For the purpose of aiding and cooperating in the planning,...
§ 42-3-119. Municipal Zoning Authority Unaffected - Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to limit...
Part 2 - Joint Operations
§ 42-3-205. Joint Fund - For the purpose of providing the joint board with moneys...
Chapter 4 - Metropolitan Airport Authorities
§ 42-4-101. Short Title - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 42-4-103. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 42-4-107. General Powers - An authority has all powers necessary to accomplish the purposes...
§ 42-4-108. Eminent Domain - Any participating or creating municipality may acquire any interest in...
§ 42-4-111. Certain Powers of Municipal Corporations - Any creating municipality and any participating municipality has all necessary...
§ 42-4-112. Municipal Zoning Authority Unaffected - Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to limit...
§ 42-4-115. Construction — Chapter Controlling - The provisions of this chapter shall be liberally construed to...
§ 42-4-116. Taxation - not less than nor more than 100,000 200,000 450,000 550,000...
Chapter 5 - County and Municipal Airports
§ 42-5-101. Short Title - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 42-5-102. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 42-5-104. Acquisition of Existing Airports - The municipality may by purchase, gift, devise, lease, eminent domain...
§ 42-5-105. Establishment of Airports on Public Waters and Reclaimed Lands - For the purposes of this chapter, a municipality may establish...
§ 42-5-106. Limitation on Design and Operation of Air Navigation Facilities - All air navigation facilities established or operated by municipalities shall...
§ 42-5-107. Public Purpose of Airports - Any airport so acquired, owned, leased, controlled or occupied by...
§ 42-5-109. Disposal of Airport Property - Except as may be limited by the terms and conditions...
§ 42-5-111. Liens - To enforce the payment of any charges for repairs or...
§ 42-5-112. Delegation of Authority to Airport Officer or Board - Any authority vested by this chapter in a municipality or...
§ 42-5-113. Regulations and Jurisdiction — Scope — Conformity to Federal and State Law - not less than nor more than 100,000 200,000 450,000 550,000...
§ 42-5-115. Bond Issues — Notes — Financing Acquisition Costs and Improvements - The cost of planning, acquiring, establishing, developing, constructing, enlarging, improving,...
§ 42-5-117. Bond Issues Ratified and Validated — Bonding Power Supplemental - All bonds issued prior to March 17, 1961, and all...
§ 42-5-118. Application of Airport Revenues and Sale Proceeds - The revenues obtained by a municipality from the ownership, control...
§ 42-5-120. Contracts - A municipality may enter into any contracts necessary to the...
§ 42-5-121. Mutual Aid - If any municipality determines that the public interest and the...
§ 42-5-123. Airport Property and Income Exempt From Taxation - Any property in this state acquired by a municipality for...
§ 42-5-124. Supplementary Authority - In addition to the general and special powers conferred by...
§ 42-5-125. Airport Zoning Authority Unaffected - Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to limit...
§ 42-5-126. Interpretation and Construction - This chapter shall be so interpreted and construed as to...
Part 2 - Joint Operations -
Chapter 6 - Airport Zoning
§ 42-6-101. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 42-6-105. Certification of Zoning Plan - Before the chief legislative body of a political subdivision may...
§ 42-6-106. Hearing on Zoning Ordinance — Notice — Approval or Disapproval - Before enacting the zoning ordinance or any amendment thereof, the...
§ 42-6-107. Amendments to Ordinance — Procedure - The zoning ordinance, including the maps, may from time to...
§ 42-6-112. Restriction on Zoning Regulations - No airport zoning regulation adopted under this chapter shall require...
§ 42-6-113. Acquisition of Air Rights - In any case in which: the political subdivision within which...
§ 42-6-114. Regulations and Standards Controlling Over Other Laws - Whenever the regulations made under authority of this chapter require...
§ 42-6-115. Zoning Under Special Acts - Nothing contained in this chapter shall be deemed to supplant...
Chapter 7 - Civil Air Patrol
§ 42-7-101. Tennessee Wing, Existing for Public Purposes — Gifts and Allotments, Authority to Receive - The functions of the Tennessee wing, civil air patrol, and...
Chapter 8 - Heliports
§ 42-8-101. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 42-8-103. Violations — Heliport Deemed Nuisance — Abatement, Removal, Conformity - Notwithstanding § 13-7-208 or any other law to the contrary,...
§ 42-8-104. Violations — Heliport Deemed Nuisance — Private Right of Action - Any heliport operated in violation of this chapter is deemed...