A person who moves or discontinues such person's business or moves other personal property, or moves from such person's dwelling on or after March 30, 1972, as the direct result of building code enforcement activities or a program of rehabilitation of buildings conducted pursuant to a state project or program shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be deemed to have been displaced as the result of the acquisition of real property.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 13 - Public Planning and Housing
Chapter 11 - Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1972
§ 13-11-103. Chapter Definitions
§ 13-11-104. Effect Upon Property Acquisition
§ 13-11-111. Permissive Authority Given Local Agency
§ 13-11-113. Authority of the Governor
§ 13-11-114. Administration — Relocation Assistance Programs
§ 13-11-116. Replacement by Building Code Enforcement or Voluntary Rehabilitation